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Evaluatiing Adult Preventive Care Service and Exploring Optimum Product Mix
作者 林勤豐黃月桂
This article explores consumer’s opinions about dault health examination services in Taiwan. In April 1999, the research completed two structiure questionnaires and collected 586 and 343 valid samples from the first and second interview, respectively. The results show that the optimal health examination product mix is the combination that involves: 19 health exam items, NT$12,000 to $15,000 of charges, private services with VIP room, and completing medical consultation on the exam day. Most of the respondents considered accuracy, safety, thoroughness, skillfulness and medical consultation of health exam services important. The overall satisfaction score was 3.41 (on the Likert scale of 1-5). Among the respondents, 44% of them have utilized health exam services because of concerning their health 60% of them have spent less than NT$1,000, and have had 2 to 4 times of health exams by choosing the general health exam services (40%). Main reasons for consumer’s choices of medical providers were others’ recommendations (20.7%) and the vicinity (20.0%). People select a medical center for health exam mainly because of illness, whereas by considering promotion discount clinics become the first priority. Even though a total of 71.9% respondents had health exam experiences, the majority of them choose the general health exam services with lower fees and less exam items. To sun up, this research reveals that the consumers’ ideal health exam services product mix should include higher fees and more exam items than traditional products, even though what they really utilize were opposite. Thus, how to establish and attractive health exam services product remains a challenging issue for hospital managers.
起訖頁 60-70
關鍵詞 成人健康檢查最佳產品組合Adult health exam servicesOptimum product mix
刊名 醫院  
期數 200004 (33:2期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 高績效團隊應用於南部某一區域醫院水質檢驗室實例探討
該期刊-下一篇 藥劑室規劃電腦當機處理程序之原則與實例介紹--以門診藥局作業為例




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