中文摘要 |
南非籍荷蘭裔作家柯慈(J. M. Coetzee)的小說,諸如《屈辱》(Disgrace, 1999)、《動物的生活》(The Lives of Animals, 2001)、《伊莉莎白.卡斯特洛》(Elizabeth Costello, 2004)等都有動物議題穿插其中。柯慈擅以文學寫實手法來探討動物倫理議題。不同於以往評論家對於柯慈的後殖民論述或女性主義觀點的檢視,本論文將焦點放在動物議題上,從動物象徵走向關懷動物本身。本文試圖從晚近學術界對於動物議題的耙梳開始,論及動物研究與動物性研究的差異,以梁布萊德(Michael Lunblad)的詰問開始,並試圖以女性生態評論重新閱讀柯慈的《屈辱》,希望可以補充生態女性主義在動物議題方面的關懷與論點。更以探討小說主人翁「變向動物」的爭論來探究南非社會中動物與女性角色的再現,凸顯動物、性別、種族、動物權、動物苦難、人性、邪惡等等相互交錯的倫理議題。當暴力、權力、性別、種族、動物、創傷的議題交互纏繞與顯現在小說中,女性生態評論的論點將提供另一條思考方向。 |
英文摘要 |
Based on the debate between animal studies and animality studies, this essay builds on current ecofeminism, particularly a branch called feminist ecocriticism, theorizing the ethics of care and critique of rights-based approach, and analyzes J. M. Coetzee's Disgrace. It then focuses on Carol Adams's ”absent referent,” Josephine Donovan's ”thing in itself” and Greta Gaard's vegetarian ecofeminism to see how sexism, racism, speciesism are intertwined in the post-apartheid South Africa. It concludes by discussing the significant meanings of the male protagonist David Lurie's ”becoming animal,” which is contestable from the perspective of feminist ecocriticism. |