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Is It a “Monster”?:“Monster” and “Monstrosity” in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
作者 陳樹信
瑪麗‧雪萊小說《科學怪人》裡的「創造物」,在獲得生命那一剎,就被它的創造者法蘭根斯坦宣告為「怪物」。不單這樣,小說裡幾乎所有人(狄萊西老先生除外)都一致認為,它是「怪物」。 其理由十分簡單,只不過是醜陋而已。除此以外,似乎沒有說出甚麼特別的理由。本文認為,那「言詮不落」之處,才是它被視為「怪物」的主因。運用巴特勒的理論去解讀「怪物﹞的身體建構過程,可以發現其實那「創造物」踰越了性別二分的疆界,所以大家都用各種暴力對待它,視它為「怪物」。那「創造物」的際遇直指二元性別的脆弱。
The 'creature' in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is named as a 'monster' by its creator, Frankenstein, at the very moment of its reanimation. Not only its creator calls it a 吋monster,' but also all the characters in the novel (except old De Lacey). Although these people regard it as monster and punish it with different means, the only excuse they hold is that - it is hideous. They do not attempt to give any convincing reasons beyond this. This essay attempts to argue that the ''unspeakable' facts are the reason why people regard it as a 'monster' without any hesitation. As the people all call it a monster at first sight by judging it with visual codes, it is the monster's body that matters. Employing Judith Butler's theory to decipher its body construction, it is able to discover that the 'creature' trespasses the dichotomized sex/gender codes; therefore, people police the social norm by calling it a 'monster.' The 'creature's' experience exposes the frailty of the dichotomy in sex/gender.
起訖頁 153-182
關鍵詞 科學怪人瑪麗‧雪萊巴特勒二元性別怪物怪物特質FrankensteinMary ShelleyJudith Butlerdichotomy in sex/gendermonstermonstrositybody/gender construction
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 200508 (8期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 被忽略的聲音,被遺忘的英雄:伊麗莎白時期的士卒悲歌
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