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Home in the Margin: Spatial Politics in Beloved
作者 陳淑卿 (Shu-Ching Chen)
非裔美籍作家湯妮‧莫理森(Toni Morrison)擅長於刻畫在不同的歷史環境下,與身體、土地、家園、社群疏離的種族個體搜尋立足之地的奮鬥與掙扎。本文評析《摯愛》(Beloved, 1987)一書的邊緣空間政治美學。討論在奴隸制度箝制之下的黑人家庭社群,如何在被迫認同與內化自己的邊緣身份之餘,對霸權空間區劃進行反向操作,重新建立起他們與地方的關係,而能不落入霸權論述的二元對立窠臼。首先透過傅柯,梅西,賈維斯、席爾斯等當代空間理論家的空間及地理理論,點明地方型塑與霸權及資本主義運作的關係,再透過德索鐸、琥珂絲等人的理論探討地方及邊緣抵拒策略,進而討論黑奴家庭被白人資本主義邊緣化的過程。他們內化邊緣處境,阻礙了社會空間化的發生,地方意識也無從產生。當奴役霸權瀰天蓋地,黑奴只得沿著非人化他們的身體、拆散家庭、摧毀社群的霸權地圖繪製途中反向操作。賽絲所代表的母系社群借用去符碼化及再符碼化的指認方式來重新聲言身體所有權,鞏固女性社群。此外,她將家務勞作美感化,以抵拒勞力被商品化的宿命,保羅D 陽奉陰違抵抗白人監控體制,以恢復他的人性與男性特質。當兩人的性別位置在人文論述裡成立,而家庭空間也不再被奴役制度及其歷史創傷(以摯愛的形貌出現)纏祟,家庭才得以成型。最後藍石路124 號的邊緣社群通過社區長老的努力及串聯,成為一個激進開放的空間。
This article investigates the spatial politics in the margin as is dramatized in Beloved (1987). An on-going concern we find in African American writer Toni Morrison's works is the efforts on the part of African American community to reanchor themselves in cultural sites that have been taken away from them through slavery--bodies, land, home and community. Drawing upon Foucault, Massey, and Shields, I argue that the formation of place has its history and is ineluctably linked up with hegemony and capitalism. Spatial politics suggested by de Certeau, bell hooks, Pile and Keith, however, offer tactics and strategies for us to understand how people in the margin reclaim their lost 'grounds.' I show the ways in which black slave families are marginalized through the spatial division and regulation by white slavery system. Their spatial marginalization has become internalized to disrupt their process of social spatialization, which is crucial for the production of a sense of place. In circumstances where the hegemony of slavery is inescapable, their spatial politics lies in an act of reverse cartography along the social mappings that dehumanize their bodies, destroy their family, and wreck up their community. The matrilineal community headed by Sethe reclaims its captivated bodies through a decoding and recoding process that also serves as a focal point that brings the female characters together. She also brings aesthetic value into domestic labors, thereby resisting slavery's commodification of their labor; Paul D reconfirms his masculinity in humanist discourse by means of a tactical disguise that both conforms to and fights against the white surveillance. A sense of family can thus be restored with their humanized gender positions in place and the domestic place exorcized from both the slavery and the traumatic history embodied by Beloved. Finally, the community in the margin is resurrected through a joint effort by community figures like Stamp Paid and Baby Suggs who render the black community surrounding 124 Blue Stone Road a radical open space.
起訖頁 111-152
關鍵詞 邊緣身體家庭社群激進開放空間社會空間化反向地圖繪製marginbodiesfamilycommunityradical open spacesocial spatializationreverse cartography
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 200311 (6期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 「還鄉須斷腸」--解讀哈代《還鄉記》中的鄉土情結
該期刊-下一篇 渥滋渥斯的「家住葛拉絲湖」與地方意識




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