中文摘要 |
資訊與網路科技可能削弱國家對社會控制能力,對中國共產黨而言是統治上的挑戰,也是一個重要的研究問題。中國共產黨結合資訊科技與傳統統治策略,揉合出了一套「網絡群眾路線」,來因應高度多元且不斷快速分化成不同部門的網路社會。本文探討「網絡群眾路線」的發展與實踐,認為網路科技補足了中共推動群眾路線之不足。藉由網路,中共可以擴大群眾接觸面、增加輿論蒐集手段、以及建立議題設定能力。因此,網路的發展讓中共更能適應新興媒體環境,掌握輿論發展。由此觀之,資訊科技並未弱化中共威權統治,反而強化中共積極攏絡與壓制群眾意見的能力。 This article examines the development, practices and implications of "the mass line on the internet" in China. It has been argued that the development of information technology and internet may weaken states' control over society-a challenge to Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s authoritarian rule. To deal with this problem, the CCP adopts a strategy called "mass line on the internet," in which the Party combines its traditional governing tool- "mass line" and the knowledge of information technology. "The mass line" digital campaign allows the CCP to collect, understand and even form online public opinion. An examination of "the mass line on the internet" shows that the CCP's authoritarian regime has not been weakened by the information technology. Instead, through the "mass line on the internet," the CCP's rule has been strengthened. |