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The Impact on China and Taiwan's Economic Development through One Belt One Road Strategy
作者 趙永祥白宗民吳依正
「一帶一路」的構想及規劃,政策及總體戰略構想是十三五計畫中的重要戰略,主要有因應中國大陸新一輪改革開放及平衡區域發展、其戰略可成為擴大中西部開放、打造中西部經濟升級版的重要引擎與消化過剩產能同時促進中國大陸產業升級轉型。尤其「一帶一路」在「亞投行」龐大金融支撐下,將進一步推進亞歐區域聯結,牽動現有兩岸經貿投資關係,也將衝擊台灣企業的對外發展。「一帶一路」不是一個實體和機制,而是合作發展的理念和倡議,是依靠中國與有關國家和地區既有的雙多邊機制,藉助既有的、行之有效的區域合作平台,「一帶一路」橫跨亞歐非,沿線涉及64 個國家、44億人口,基礎建設規模相當可觀,每年約需投入1 兆美元,加上沿線貿易總額至少1-2億美元,已成為各國虎視眈眈的投資標的,也是「亞洲基礎設施投資銀行」(以下簡稱亞投行)能吸引50 多個國家搶先參與的誘因。「一帶一路」在推動基礎建設過程所引生出來的商機十分可觀,台灣擁有產業技術實力的企業,即可藉由參與「一帶一路」建設,這也是台灣經濟「翻轉」的大好機會。隨著「一帶一路」戰略揭開序幕,中國大陸資本向外輸出的全球化戰略也隨之啟動。其中亞投行、絲路基金等正是中國大陸向全亞洲進行資本輸出的戰略性平台,但投資標的主要鎖定那些市場機制尚未充分建立、國內政治制度尚不穩定的新興市場國家,投資風險原本就已偏高。本研究將深度剖析「一帶一路」對台灣經濟發展的商機和挑戰與對國內產業界可能帶來的影響進行分析。
China has stepped closer to claiming full-fledged economic leadership in Asia by officially launching the AIIB, which has been the centerpiece of the Xi administration's efforts to enhance Beijing's influence. The AIIB is part of Xi's 'Peripheral Diplomacy', which it announced in October 2013 in an effort to win the favor of neighboring countries estranged by China's territorial expansionism. One Belt One Road (OBOR) is the main engine in promoting the process of infrastructure which are embedded good opportunities to expand China overseas expansion very progressively. 'One Road, One Belt' focus on promoting the process of infrastructure to create very substantial business opportunities, in addition, Taiwan's technological industry has a strength to enhance the advantages of the enterprises, to be involved in 'One Road, One Belt' construction, I believe that this is the better chance for Taiwan's economy to 'flip'. With 'One Road, One Belt' strategy to connect and share China economic expansion resources and advantages in the coming future. This research discusses about the background of “One Road, One Belt” to analyzes deeply its strategic purpose, further the attitudes toward AIIB and “One Road, One Belt” of each country and the importance and influences of these two strategies. For the past few years, Taiwan has the technical strength, and can be enhanced her power to enter into wider Asian market via OBOR. It’s a good opportunity to 'flip' Asian market form Taiwan's future economic development.
起訖頁 111-130
關鍵詞 亞投行一帶一路中國投資風險台灣經濟發展One Belt One Road (OBOR)Investment RiskChina Economic Expansion Taiwan Economic Development
刊名 華人經濟研究  
期數 201609 (14:2期)
出版單位 中華兩岸事務交流協會
該期刊-上一篇 生活型態區隔、知覺風險、資訊來源與品牌忠誠之關係




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