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Mothering under the Shadow of Patriarchy: The Legal Regulation of Motherhood and Its Discontents in Taiwan
作者 陳昭如
This paper is an engagement with the questions of how the law is constitutive of and informed by women's subordination under the institution of motherhood, and of the extent to which this schema has been challenged and changed. My discussion of the legal regulation of motherhood begins with the question of whether one has to be a mother, a question that is commonly understood as a matter of choice. I argue that, just as marriage is a hierarchal institution masked as a contract, motherhood is a mandatory institution into which one appears to enter voluntarily. My investigation focuses on the right to abortion, a right that is supposed, but often fails, to convey the idea of sex equality, as well as on the use and abuse of new reproductive technologies. I then explore the legal and social institution of motherhood as it relates to the subordination of women, discussing how the labor market is premised on the male ideal-worker" norms, which draw a gendered line between work and family and consequently subordinate mothers to the burdens" of pregnancy and childcare. I also examine the gendered construction of parenthood, and reveal how motherhood is constructed as a responsibility with disadvantages etched deeply into its very foundations, whereas fatherhood remains an entitled choice. In keeping with these analyses, I provide a critique of formal equality, as a notion, by discussing the contributions as well as limitations of gender-neutral" laws in reshaping the institution of motherhood, and suggest that women's subordination under the law cannot be fundamentally changed using the concept of gender-neutrality.
起訖頁 45-96
關鍵詞 motherhoodabortionemploymentnationalitycustodysex/gender equalitysex/gender discrimination lawlegal historyfeminismfeminist legal theory母職墮胎就業國籍監護權性別平等性別歧視法法律史女性主義女性主義法學
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 200601 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 Labeling Genetically Modified Food-Comparative Law Studies from Consumer's Perspective
該期刊-下一篇 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Taiwan




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