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Labeling Genetically Modified Food-Comparative Law Studies from Consumer's Perspective
作者 陳肇鴻
本文旨在探討基因改造食品及其所衍生產品標示之需求。基因改造此一新科技帶來了對含有基因改造物質之食品安全性的顧慮。為了在新生物科技與消費者保護間求取平衡,美國與歐盟各自採取了不同的途徑,美國強調實質等同的原則(substantial equivalent doctrine),歐盟國家則採用預防原則(precautionary doctrine)。此一差異主要是受到政治因素或食品產業的影響,而非由消費者的態度來決定。本文作者主張如果相關資訊未被適當揭露到一定程度,消費者其實並無法有效進行選擇,也無法在市場上扮演有效的力量。然而,即使食品標示是一個揭露資訊的有效方式,其也絕非毫無缺點。本文分析標示基因改造食品的各種方式及其所涉成本與或效益,藉此探求標示揭露資訊之最佳方式。
This article focus on the genetically modified food and labelling requirement. The relatively new technology raises some concerns over the safety of food containing genetically modified substance. The substantial equivalent" doctrine, adopted by the U.S., and the precautionary" doctrine, taken by the EU, represent two contradictory approaches to reconcile new biotechnology and consumer protection, a difference influenced by politics or food industry rather than by consumer attitudes. In this article, we argue that consumers cannot make their own choices and exercise market power without a certain degree of disclosure of information. However, even though food labelling is an effective way to convey information, it is by no means a perfect solution. This article will consider several ways to label genetically modified food and the costs or benefits so as to illustrate the best way to disclose information to consumers by way of labelling.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 genetically modified foodGMOlabellingconsumer protectionsubstantial equivalentprecautionaryfood safety基因改造食品基因改造生物標示消費者保護實質等同預防原則食品安全
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 200601 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-下一篇 Mothering under the Shadow of Patriarchy: The Legal Regulation of Motherhood and Its Discontents in Taiwan




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