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The Situation and the Challenges of New-Generation Mothers in Taiwan: The Cultural Contradiction of Employed Mothers as Caregiver and Worker
作者 洪惠芬
The trend of female labor market participation has contributed the transformation of the social role of “motherhood”. After taking the jobs, women as mothers are not only the “caregiver of children”, but also the “workers”. Based on the review of the relevant literatures, it was found that contemporary capitalism had assumed particular normative standards both for the “mothers as caregivers” and for “the workers”. Such two normative standards contradict essentially with each other. However, under the traditional gender division of labor with families, the two opposite normative standards had been “segregated and divided” into two spheres and different genders. But after women went to work, the “segregation and division” was dismantled: each woman who had both identity of worker and mother was forced to confront the “cultural contradiction” between the above two normative standards. Based on the in-depth interview of 13 employed mothers, this article aimed to explore the mothering experience of the women situated in the “cultural contradiction”. According to the text, I discovered that for women, “being someone’s mother” was not just to respond the basic subsistence needs of children, it also include the nurture of the “ ideal citizen”. The social change had transformed how women “did someone’s mother”. First, the “expert knowledge”, which replaced the “significant others”, became the most important mothering-learning approach of new generation mothers. Secondly, young cohort mothers expected themselves maintain the identity of “worker”, and the whole society also expected them to stay in the labor market. But women never diminished their own standards for “motherhood as children’s caregivers”. In order to escape from the cultural contradiction, when they work, many women attempted to take alternative standard to participate the labor market, which differed greatly from the men’s norm for “ideal worker”: their ideal for “motherhood as children’s caregiver” shouldn’t be impeded by the paid jobs. In the concluding remarks, I tried to consider the alternative solutions for “cultural contradiction”.
起訖頁 87-149
關鍵詞 母職理想工作者理想照顧者文化矛盾工作家庭衝突性別平等MotheringIdeal WorkerIdeal CaregiverCultural ContradictionConflicts between Work and FamilyGender Equality
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 201512 (13:1期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 邁向老人福利國?臺灣社會安全支出結構的分析
該期刊-下一篇 童年剝奪及其成因




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