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Reading Network and the Writing of Literary Tanci
作者 胡曉真
Literary tanci, a form of narrative in verse originated from the tanci performance, was well received among literate women from the Jiangnan area in the Qing. Many so-called “talented women” dedicated many years of their life to writing long tanci narratives, symbolically turning the genre into a “female form.” The present paper deals with four such examples of tanci narratives by womon-Yuchuan yuan, Zaisheng yuan, Zaizao tian and Bi sheng hua. These four works are interactive and therefore form an internal network from the perspective of reading. Yuehuan yuan develops from the “story of the coin”; Zaisheng yuan swears to be its sequel while creating a totally different world-view. Zaizao tian takes Zaisheng yuan up only to argue with it in both form and content, whereas Bi sheng hua is a mild response to Zaisheng yuan with a keen and sensitive eye on human relationship. The heritage of the four works indicates the close relationship between reading and writing. Literary women developed a psychological sense of community through reading the same texts, which further encouraged their desire to write. Tracing the dialogue relation between reading and writing helps us not only grasp important glimpses of the women's tradition of narrative, but closely examine the subtle transformation of literary tanoi from individual text to text.
起訖頁 305-364
關鍵詞 彈詞清代婦女文學《玉釧緣》《再生緣》《再造天》《筆生花》tanciwomen and literaturereadingYuchuan yuanZaisheng yuanZaizao tianBi sheng hua
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199603 (8期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 姚際恆對《子貢詩傳》、《申培詩說》的批評
該期刊-下一篇 雜傳體志怪與史傳的關係——從文類觀念所作的考察




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