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The Significance of Yun-Lu Analysis in Studies of Song Ci
作者 林玫儀
古籍電腦化雖是必然之趨勢,但一般只是提供全文檢索,以詞學方面說,只能就作者、詞牌、字數、詞彙、字頻、頁碼及詞作正文等查詢,倘若要查詢《全宋詞》中,有多少體式為《詞譜》、《詞律》所失收?宋詞中究有多少不同之協韻方式?二家互見之詞作究有多少?乃至在任一作家之詞作中,某字曾用與何字協韻等,則無法提供。是故筆者針對全文檢索之盲點,另行設計「全宋詞」檢索系統。將唐圭璋《全宋詞》及孔凡禮《全宋詞補輯》二書所收,共二萬一千三百九十首詞(含存目)之作者、詞牌、字數、調式、韻字等輸入電腦,除供歸納及對比外,尚可依韻法將韻字作系聯,作為詞韻研究之重要資料。本文旨在說明建立此資料庫之方法以及其在詞學研究上之價值,分為兩大部分:一、說明在建立韻譜檢索系統時面臨之困難,主要有四點:1.版本不同所形成之困擾,2.破法有誤而造成之差異,3.分片不同而造成之困擾,4.叶韻與否所導致之困難。二、說明韻律分析對詞學研究提供之貢獻,主要有七點:1.訂補既有之詞調及體式,2.辨認原已失去之詞調名,3.有助於詞學困惑之解決,4. 可校對重篇及和韻之作,5.有助於叶韻方式之了解,6.可釐清調名同異之困擾,7.有助於韻部分合之研究。
Although the computerization of classical texts has become inevitable, its use is still limited to on-line index search. In terms of ci studies, it only offers help to inquiries such as authors, tune titles, numbers of characters, vocabularies, frequencies of certain words, page numbers, and texts. However, computerization has offered little help to questions such as how many modes in Quansongci are not included in Cipu and Cilu? how many rhyming patterns are there in Song ci? how many ci works are attributed to more than one author? and in works of a certain author, what characters rhyme with a certain character? Aiming to eliminate the blind spots of on-line index search, I have established a new system of Quansongci index search. I have therefore keyed in the 21,390 ci works in Tang Guizhang's Quansongci and kong Fanli's Quansongci buji, including their authors, tune titles, numbers of characters, patterns, and rhymed characters. The new system can be used not only for compare and contrast, but for associating rhymed characters according to rhyming patterns. This essay attempts to demonstrate the methodology used to establish this new index system as well as the value of it in ci studies, It is divided into two parts:1. It explains the difficulties in establishing the yunpu index system. There are four problems: (l) there are multiple editions; (2) there are variations caused by mistakes of pofa; (3) there are cases of confusion caused by variations of fenpian; (4) there are ambiguities caused by the existence or non-existence of rhyming. 2. It explicates the value of yun-lu analysis in ci studies. It makes seven major contributions: (1) it supplements the musical modes and styles known to us; (2) it traces the names of musical modes that have been lost; (3) it clarifies cases of confusion in ci studies; (4) it offers access to repetitions and matching works; (5) it enables us to understand rhyming patterns; (6) it helps to solve the problem of names of modes; (7) it benefits the study of yunbu.
起訖頁 57-172
關鍵詞 《詞律》《詞譜》《全宋詞》《全宋詞補輯》宋詞詞韻格律詞律詞譜詞牌詞調調式分片破法電腦撿索萬樹唐圭璋孔凡禮CiluCipuQuansongciQuansongci bujiSongciCiyunmetercilucipucipai (tune title)cidiao (musical mode)diaoshi (pattern)fenpianpofaindex of the on-line searchWan ShuTang GuizhangKong Fanli
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199503 (6期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 華嚴宗性起思想的形成
該期刊-下一篇 從劉三吾《孟子節文》論君權的限制與知識份子之自主性




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