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A Critical Study of Chu Mou-wei's Shih ku 詩故
作者 林慶彰
明代經學,在整個經學史的研究過程中,一直是最受忽視的。近十餘年來,筆者在這領域寫過兩本專著,和多篇論文,對明代經學的面貌和特質,也僅能描繪出一輪廓而已。較深入的分析研究,可能要從個別經學專家的研究入手。例如:《易經》有蔡清《易經蒙引》、熊過《周易象旨決錄》、陳士元《易象鉤解》、魏濬《易義古象通》、何楷《古周易訂詁》等。《詩經》有季本《詩說解頤》、朱謀(土韋)《詩故》、馮復京《六家詩名物鈔》、何楷《詩經世本古義》、朱朝瑛《讀詩略記》等。《春秋》有湛若水《春秋正傳》、陸粲《春秋胡氏傳辨疑》、高攀龍《春秋孔義》、朱朝瑛《讀春秋略記》等。《四書》有陳士元《論語類考》、《孟子雜記》等。群經總義有陳耀文的《經典稽疑》,朱睦楔《授經圖》等。這些都是明代較有代表性的經學著作,都應有專著或專文加以分析研究。唯有如此細密深入的分析討論,明代經學的真面目才能有效的掌握。能如此,由宋學到清學,其間的演變過程也才能一目了然。在前述十數位專家中,筆者所以先選定朱謀(土韋)《詩故》來研究,理由有二:一是筆者應國立編譯館之邀所撰寫的《詩經學源流》,明代部分的參考資料最少,非將當時的《詩經》學家逐一研究,無法完成明代部分的撰寫工作。二是就明代《詩經》 學的演變來說,明中葉以前,可說是「述朱」的時代。至明中葉,楊慎開拓新的研究方向,從詩句的字義、音韻、名物入手研究,開後代以考證方法研究《詩經》的先導。楊慎對朱子廢《詩序》,說他太「崛強」、「非平心折中之論」。朱謀(土韋)的《詩故》則將《詩序》首句恢復過來,以《詩序》首句作為思考、證釋詩旨的起點。如果朱子廢《詩序》是一種創舉,則謀(土韋)恢復《詩序》,也應該是《詩經》研究另一階段的開始。朱氏的書既有此一深層的意義,自應先加以研究。
The study of Shih ching traditionally had revolved around the canonization or the dismissal of the Preface. Chu Hsi's dismissal of the Preface in Shi chi-chuan was upheld until mid-Ming--a scholarly practice altered only by the appearance of Chu Mou-wei's Shih ku. Besides rehabilitating the first line of the Preface as the basis of explicating the meanings of the poems, Chu Mou-wei and his Shih ku can also be credited with the following intellectual achievements: (1) After promoting the significance of the Preface, Chu went on to provide important new readings of more than a hundred poems--some perhaps inspired by Sung scholarship; (2) Chu made numerous textual rectifications of the titles and lines of the Shih ching poems and elaborated on or criticized the views of the Preface as he saw fit; (3) Chu did not hesitate to criticize the predominant Sung views on sensuality, eroticism, and musicality in various poems; (4) Chu also came up with his own ideas about the functions of poetry. In sum, Shih ku is a bridge between Sung interpretation and Ch'ing philology, marking the shift of research paradigms.
起訖頁 291-323
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199203 (2期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 稼軒壽詞析論
該期刊-下一篇 康德的「根本惡」說——兼與孟子的性善說相比較




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