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A Study of Business Chinese Teacher Role
作者 李欣欣陳麗宇
This paper explores the roles that business Chinese teachers can play in the classroom. Generally speaking, the teacher role is closely related to teaching style. A teacher would play neither one single role nor many roles in the classroom at the same time. In terms of the teachers’ self-recognition and students’ expectations, the research aims to identify the business Chinese teacher roles in priority. This paper first begins with literature review on the definitions of various types of teacher role, followed by the report of research method and survey results. Based on the teacher and student perspectives, the paper ends with the most important business Chinese teacher roles for future teacher training and development. These teacher roles include: motivator, communicative learning facilitator, learning behavior controller, and fair evaluator. This research paves the way for the future research to understand the choice of teacher role and its impact on teaching and learning outcomes.
起訖頁 151-184
關鍵詞 教師角色師資培訓商務華語教學法教師自我認同學生觀感teacher roleteacher trainingbusiness Chinese teaching methodsteacher’s self-identifystudent perceptions
刊名 華語文教學研究  
期數 201603 (13:1期)
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 新加坡英華雙語學生的華語人稱代詞偏誤研究與教學應用
該期刊-下一篇 《第二語言習得與教學》書評




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