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The Development of an Articulation Test for Preschool Mandarin Speaking Children
作者 鄭靜宜 (Ching-I Cheng)
由於目前國內缺乏標準化的兒童構音評估工具,本研究的目的在發展一套適用於 學前兒童的構音評估工具,以供聽語教育與臨床使用。構音評估工具的建構有三層 次:詞語、句子和短篇連續說話,各對應於三個分測驗,包括詞語構音分測驗、語句 構音分測驗、連續圖片描述分測驗。構音評估重點以華語21 個聲母為主,施測介面 以電腦動畫Flash 程式編寫而成。測驗施測採用一對一方式,以觸控電腦施測。測驗 的常模蒐集台灣416 位學前兒童的語料,取樣的地區包括台北、台中和高雄三個地 區。取樣兒童年齡介於三歲至六歲間,分有四組:三足歲組、四足歲組、五足歲組和 六足歲組。施測的幼稚園根據教育局登記名冊,以隨機選取後獲園方同意後施測。統 計分析結果在信度方面,詞語分測驗的內部一致性Cronbach’s α 係數為.88;重測信 度(N=38)在三個分測驗分別為.96、.92 及.75(依序為詞語構音分測驗、語句構音分測 驗、連續圖片描述分測驗);評分者間信度(N=30)在三個分測驗分別為.91、.83 及.91(順 序同上)。在效度方面,以華語構音/音韻臨床測驗工具為效標,和詞語分測驗分數之 相關達.89(p
The purpose of this study is to develop a standardized articulation test for preschool Chinese-speaking children. This test consists of three subtests, including a word articulatory test, a sentence articulatory test, and a serial picture test. There are 36 items in the word test and 12 sentences in the sentence test. The Mandarin 21 initial consonants were the focus of this test. All the children were individually tested by using computers with Flash animation pictures. There were 416 preschool children participating, and according to their age they were divided as four groups, including 3-years-olds, 4- years-olds, 5-years-olds, and 6-years-olds. The test results show that the Cronbach’s coefficient was .88 for the word articulatory test. The test-retest reliability after one week was .96, .92 and .75 for the word articulatory test, the sentence articulatory test, and the picture test, respectively. The inter-rater reliability was .91, .83 and .91 for the word articulatory subtest, the sentence articulatory subtest, and the picture subtest, respectively. Furthermore, the analysis results show there was solid evidence for concurrent validity and construct validity. For concurrent validity, there was a strong correlation between the scores of word subtest and those of the Mandarin articulatory/phonological test (r= .89, p
起訖頁 059-083
關鍵詞 構音能力語音異常聲母構音異常電腦化構音測驗Articulatory testsinitial consonantsspeech sound disordersarticulatory disorderscomputerized articulatory tests
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類  
期數 201606 (40期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 休閒阻礙與環境行為對於新住民休閒行為之影響研究




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