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Innovational Design of Stabilization Device of a gondola -its Prototype Testing and Evaluation
作者 李碩仁黃仲成高崇洋
本研究主要針對吊籠安全穩固雛形裝置進行細部設計與修改工作,特別關於裝置中的固定系統、吸盤組系統及管路系統等部分,將朝著增加系統可靠度及方便性著手,同時對系統進一步改良與精簡化;並對於穩固吸盤機構進行強度分析與系統各元件材料環境試驗,以提高系統之可靠度。在實驗結果部分,經由吸盤與外牆材質側向吸附力實驗測得在含有清潔劑之濕滑玻璃面上,每一吸盤組仍有 42.2kg~46.2kg之吸附力,與理論推導之45kg之吸附力相近。另外在系統振動頻率的部分,在考量了吸盤之彈性係數後,電腦模擬與實測的誤差大幅縮減至 8%~25%,使得模擬結果更接近於實驗測試的數據。除此之外,經失效模式及效應分析(FMEA)後,確實瞭解本裝置較易發生失效的原因、相關資訊及機率(如:真空吸盤、真空泵浦及氣壓管路),如此可確實掌握問題的根源,達到消弭裝置失效、提昇可靠度之目的。經由上述種種嚴謹的模擬與實驗可證明,本研究所開發出之吊籠安全穩固裝置確實是一套安全、可用且值得推廣之產品。
The focus of this research is to implement the preparation work and design modifications for testing and evaluation of the safety secure stabilizer device of the gondola. The reliability and user friendliness were the main issues for the system especially on the anchoring subsystems, sucking cup subsystem and piping subsystem. Re-design efforts were also emphasized to simplify the system. The sucking force experiments verified that the sucking cup assembly maintained sucking force of 42.2 to 46.2 kgf on wet surfaces which was close to the theoretical values of 45 kgf. On system dynamics, the discrepancies between computer simulation and field testing were greatly reduced to 8 to 25% after adding the elastic modulus of the sucking cups. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) was conducted on the system and its components to further predict and prevent future failure and used as system improvement guidelines. Through thorough simulation and experiments, this stabilization device for gondola is reliable and ready for commercial application.
起訖頁 223-238
關鍵詞 吊籠安全穩固裝罝失效模式GondolaSafety secure stabilizerFailure mode
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200409 (12:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 職業暴露二甲基甲醯胺之皮膚吸收與生物偵測
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣盒餐∕速食∕攤販業勞工肌肉骨骼傷病調查研究




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