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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Development of a Computerized Job-Matching System for People with Physical Disability
作者 蘇純瑩施陳美津吳明宜陳秋蓉黃如瑋張志仲
本研究的主要目的在建立一套以工作能力為導向,適用於肢體殘障者的就業媒合電腦資料庫。收編於資料庫的職業種類之選擇原則為常見於就業市場、沒有區域性、就業困難的肢障者能勝任之職類,以及目前有肢障者所從事的工作。職業資料之來源為電話訪問全省就業服務站、社福殘障團體的就業資訊、相關研究報告,和身心障礙者就業網站查詢等。同時,修訂勞委會職訓局所使用的職業分析表格,以求能符合本研究的目的,為肢障者的就業媒合建立客觀的工作效標。修訂後之職業分析表格的最大特色在於每一個主要能力項目的分數評定是依實際工作要求的複雜程度而有不同的等級。 另一方面,決定肢障者的工作能力評量項目與工具,並編製肢障者職業輔導評量的表格、其中主要的技能之評分等級乃是對應職業分析表的相同項目之等級,以利於日後的就業媒合。本「肢障者就業媒合電腦資料庫」的效度是建立於9位電腦文書進階班與5位電繡班的肢障結訓學員,其學習總成績與就業媒合結果之相關性。無母數統計結果證實電腦文書班學員的職訓學習成績高者,其就業媒合結果也會顯示電腦相關工作;而學習成績低者,其就業媒合結果也不會出現電腦相關工作(P<0.5)。但電繡班的統計結果並沒有顯著相關。建議後續的研究能大規模並深入的探討資料庫與各類型的職業訓練課程的媒合效度,並且擴增工作資料庫的職業種類,以提昇就業媒合的效率。
This research project is aimed at developing a criterion-referenced, computerized job-matching system for people with physical disabilities. The sources for occupational information were various, such as public and private vocational service agencies, vocational training programs, national competition of job-related skills for people with physical disabilities, as well as relevant research reports. At the same time, the job analysis forms originally developed by the Vocational Training Bureau of the Council of Labor Affairs were modified to meet the needs of assessing the skills and other factors required for the worker to successfully perform each of these jobs according to actual industrial standards. All items in relation to abilities required to perform satisfactorily in a job are scaled according to the complexity of skills involved. The validity of this job-matching system was established by examining the relationship between the performance in training program and job-matching results in both 9 subjects with physical disabilities who just completed advanced courses in word processing and computer graphics and 5 subjects who attended embroidery. Each subject underwent a series of vocational aptitude tests and physical capacity evaluation. The results of nonparametric test demonstrated a significant concordance between subject's performance in computer training program and job-matching profile. However, no significant difference was obtained for subjects with vocational training in embroidery. In summary, this software program can be used to quickly and efficiently make valid job matches for people with physical handicap. It is recommended that future validity study be conducted with various types of vocational training programs and that more jobs be compiled into the job bank so that its functions can be further upgraded.
起訖頁 345-354
關鍵詞 就業媒合肢體殘障者職業分析職業輔導評量Job matchPhysical handicapVocational evaluationJob analysis
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200212 (10:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 技專校院安全衛生管理現況評估及因應對策之研究




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