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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Occupational Safety, Health Evaluation and Job Accommodation for Handicapped Workers
作者 紀佳芬張彧劉秀雯陳濬騰葉文裕林彥輝
基於身心障礙者的就業特性可能有別於一般勞工,因此本研究設計 「就業狀況與安全衛生」 問卷,對身心障礙者的就業場所進行系統化的評估與改善,以預防身心障礙勞工發生職業傷病。首先根據全國身心障礙者的人口比例進行抽樣,由 384 位接受「身心障礙者就業狀況與安全衛生」問卷調查的受訪者發現,調查時仍有工作之身心障礙者 329 位,每天平均工時為 8.1±2.1 小時。職業別以事務工作人員 118人(35.9%)、非技術工及體力工 94人(28.6%)居多。有 53人(16.1%)工作時需要輔具, 28人(8.5%)敘述工作場所發生危險時,需要他人帶離,但公司並未指定人員。表示身體有輕微的痠痛或不舒服者分別有 174 人(52.9%)與 206 人(62.6%),76 位受訪者確認其痠痛或不舒適與工作有關。有 43 位(13.1%)回答環境中有過多的灰塵,12 位(3.6%)工作使用鉛,39 位(11.9%)使用化學物品, 56 位(17.0%)工作中有噪音,43 位(13.1%)需凝視細小物體,46 位(14.1%)覺得工作環境很熱,而 23 位 (7.0%)覺得工作環境很冷。其次為瞭解身心障礙者的工作內容,而至各障別 100 個就業場所進行「工作環境」評估,再根據評估結果分別為一個智障與精障者的工作單位進行改善。評估結果發現工作環境中含有可能引發職業傷害的機具設備與尖銳刀具,且地板濕滑或凌亂可能危及用拐杖的肢障者。其他還有電腦螢幕微量輻射、清潔劑、強力膠與銲錫的煙霧,或是被人、物品或車輛撞擊。在管理制度方面,受限於事業單位的規模,大多沒有僱用安全衛生主管,應可由勞委會安排講習課程加強宣導。訪視中也發現,有許多就業輔具急待研發評估,包括高度可調的按摩床、特製手套,可上下階梯的拖運車,搭配輪椅的工作檯面,以及適合脊髓損傷者的電腦工作站或珠寶設計工作站等。
As the employment demographics and injury patterns of handicapped workers differ from the rest of the labor force, the current study collected 384 questionnaires and analyzed 100 job titles for handicapped workers to identify potential risk factors associated with each work environment. The first stage of this research designed the questionnaire to collect data on the occupational safety and health conditions from 384 handicapped workers. The results indicated that 329 out of the 384 handicapped workers remained employed. The average working experience of those employed was 27.0±33.2 months while the average daily working hours was 8.1±2.1 hours. The majority of the handicapped workers were service workers (122 persons, 37.1%), office clerks (118 persons, 35.9%), and non-technical laborers (94 persons, 28.6%). Fifty-three handicapped workers required some types of aiding device for performing their jobs. In case of emergency, 33 handicapped workers had designated co-workers to help them escape from the scene. But another 28 handicapped workers need help to escape and no workers were assigned. Out of the 329 employed handicapped workers, 174 workers and 206 workers revealed that they had suffered from pain and discomfort, respectively. Seventy- six handicapped workers confirmed that their pain and discomfort were related to their job. Some of the pain and discomfort can be related to dust (43 workers), lead (12 workers), chemicals (39 workers), noise (56 workers), and extremely hot and cold temperatures (48 and 23 workers, respectively). Secondly, 100 job titles performed by various types of handicapped workers were analyzed to reveal that cutting injury was mainly caused by sharp tool and equipment, while burn injury was caused by gas burner, alcohol burner, and welding gun. Tripping and falling could have been caused by slippery working surfaces and poor housekeeping. Other potential dangers in the workplace included radiation from computer screen, cleaning detergents, chemicals, crazy glue and evaporated metal smoke. Worker could have been struck and injured by vehicles, objects and other people. Regarding the occupational safety and health management, most organizations did not have any qualified administrators for safety management. Thus, the Council of Labor Affairs should provide them with training programs. Lastly, there was a strong need for the development and evaluation of the following supportive tools: bed with adjustable height for massage, custom-made gloves, and workstation for wheelchair users.
起訖頁 185-197
關鍵詞 身心障礙勞工工作環境評估職務再設計Handicapped workersWorkplace evaluationJob accommodation
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200209 (10:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 腰背護具於下背傷害預防之適用性調查
該期刊-下一篇 空氣中胺基甲酸鹽類農藥同時檢測方法之建立




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