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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of Cumulative Injuries of Upper Extremities for Elementary School Teachers and Typists
作者 王正一孫瑞昇何啟功陳秋蓉潘致弘
雖然近年來在已開發國家,上肢之工作傷害比率稍微有下降的趨勢,但使用各類機械設備的機會不斷增多,因工作所引起的功能性喪失仍有三分之一發生於上肢。本研究主要目的在於評估職業性累積性上肢傷害的發生率與危險因子。國小老師與打字員之累積性上肢傷害,經由調查研究國小老師與打字員自我評量之上肢傷害症狀包括手指麻痺搖晃、指尖麻痺、手指僵直、手腕疼痛等症狀。國小老師自我評量項目中「手腕疼痛時,前臂會疼痛」(P=0.020) ,與現職期間的長短有相關,而設計符合人因工程的國小老師工作台與書寫黑板方式,必需要積極研究,以降低國小老師累積性上肢傷害的危險性。而打字時間的長短與打字員是否有累積性上肢傷害等相關因素並沒有很密切的關聯性。分析造成累積性上肢傷害的因素,國小老師以做家事與寫黑板,佔較高的比率,而打字員則以打字與做家事,佔較高的比率。打字員敲打鍵盤的力量較重時,會出現因長時間連續打字而造成的累積性上肢傷害的主要特徵,因此新鍵盤的研發,以儘量減少手指直接敲打鍵盤的力量,使打字員的累積性上肢傷害減至最低,實刻不容緩。
Although incidents of occupation-related injuries have decreased in developed countries, the risk of work-related injuries has greatly increased because of the increased use of modern machineries, around 1/3 of work-related dysfunctions occurring in the upper extremities. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the occurrence of work-related upper extremities injuries, including typists, school teachers as well as risk factors for these occupational injuries. From the self-evaluation of elementary school teachers and typists, the symptoms of upper extremities injuries including finger tremor, finger tip tremor, finger rigidity, wrist pain, etc. The symptoms of forearm discomfort caused by wrist pain (P=0.020) were closely related to working period from the self-evaluation of elementary school teachers. It is necessary to redesign the equipment or the way of writing blackboard to fit the ergonomics in order to reduce the risk of cumulative upper extremities injury for elementary school teachers. The symptoms of upper extremities injury were not significantly related to work period from the self-evaluation of typists. The risk factors of cumulative upper extremities injury for elementary school teachers were writing blackboard and doing housework. The risk factors of cumulative upper extremities injury for typists were typing and doing housework. For typists, the symptoms of cumulated trauma disorders of the upper extremities were closely related to the typing force. It is very important to develop new keyboard in order to reduce the force and pains of typists.
起訖頁 46-57
關鍵詞 累積性上肢傷害國小老師打字員Cumulative upper extremities injuryElementary school teachersTypists
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200203 (10:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 國內大型事業單位勞工對安全衛生管理認知之研究
該期刊-下一篇 震損建築物之拆除災害管理




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