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The Effects of Real Estate Taxation Integration Reform Proposal on the Housing Market - The Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Six Big Metropolises
作者 紀美鳳
近年房價飆漲,房價所得比年年創新高,貧富差距日益擴大。由於不動產稅負偏低,使得房地產成為富人投資理財的標的,導致房價一再攀升。因此財政部於2014 年7 月開始研議房地合一課徵所得稅之稅制改革措施,以防止投資客投機囤房,盼能落實居住正義政策。本研究主要探討財政部開始研議房地合一課徵所得稅修法至立法通過修法前期間,對六都之房地產市場所產生的影響。實證研究結果顯示,開始研議房地合一課徵所得稅修法後,預期課稅新制的不確定性,使六都房地產市場的月成交天數顯著上升,買賣移轉棟數顯著下降。而台北市、新北市、桃園市之平均住宅單價並未下跌,台中市、台南市、高雄市之平均住宅單價甚至上升。表示在研議房地合一課徵所得稅修法期間,僅發揮「以稅制量」,並未發揮「以稅制價」的功能,至於課稅新制之成效則有待2016 年正式實施後再作觀察。
As Taiwan's residential property prices surges in recent years, the wealth gap between the rich and poor has widened to the highest level on record. In order to curb speculation, The Ministry of Finance began to make efforts to reform Taiwan's property taxation system including a joint tax on building and land sales in July of 2014. Therefore, the research is mainly based on the discussions of the impact on the real estate market in the six special municipalities during the deliberations of The Ministry of Finance on the proposed amendment to the Real Estate Tax Integration involving taxing real estate sales. The Empirical Study shows that the unpredictability related to the property taxation reform during consideration of the amendment merely caused the average monthly turnover period and transaction volume of real estate to decline dramatically; however, the average housing price in Taipei City, New Taipei City as well as Taoyuan city still remained the same, not to mention that the residential property prices of the other three municipalities in Taiwan even continued to grow. In conclusion, that uncertainty of amending the Real Estate Tax Integration only made the real estate market become a cold one, but didn't affect the housing prices.
起訖頁 106-123
關鍵詞 房地合一稅實價登錄制度房地產成交價格房地產成交量Real Estate Tax IntegrationActual Price RegistrationHousing Transaction PricesHousing Transaction Volume
刊名 財金論文叢刊  
期數 201606 (24期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學財務金融系
該期刊-上一篇 公司的股利政策與政治關聯程度有關嗎?




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