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Mobile Virtual Community (MVC) Continuous Participation Decision: Antecedent Model and Consequent Model
作者 廖子賢
This study aimed to discuss the antecedent model and consequent model of mobile virtual community (MVC) continuous participation decision based on the “Social Influence Theory”, “Social Capital Theory”, and “Mobile Value”. This study executed the field survey and 380 college students who were Facebook users participated in this study to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that “Perceived Values” (i.e., Purposive Value, Social Enhancement, Entertainment Value, and Mobile Value) affect “Social Influence Factors” (i.e., Group Norm, Social Identity, and Subjective Norm) and then influence MVC continuous participation decision (i.e., Desire to MVC Continuous Participation and Intention to MVC Continuous Participation). Besides, “Social Influence Factors” moderate the effects of “Perceived Values” on MVC continuous participation decision. Finally, people reflect the higher MVC continuous participation decision will produce the higher “Online Social Capital” (i.e., Online Structural Social Capital, Online Relational Social Capital, and Online Cognitive Social Capital) and “Offline Social Capital” (i.e., Offline Structural Social Capital, Offline Relational Social Capital, and Offline Cognitive Social Capital).
起訖頁 183-233
關鍵詞 虛擬社群行動虛擬社群社會影響理論社會資本理論行動價值Virtual communitymobile virtual communitysocial influence theorysocial capital theorymobile value
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201506 (17:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 ICT投資對台灣GDP影響研析
該期刊-下一篇 因應IFRS導入資訊系統內部控制評估機制建構之研究




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