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Interracial Antagonism and Intimacy under the Japanese Empire: Japanese Writers’ Representations of Taiwanese Aboriginal Revolts in the Colonial Period
作者 朱惠足
本文藉由日治時期四個日本作家分別取材台灣泰雅族原住民薩拉茅事件(1920 年)與霧社事件(1930 年)等抗日事件的文學創作──佐藤春夫〈霧社〉(1925 年)、山部歌津子《蕃人來薩》(1931 年)、大鹿卓〈野蠻人〉(1935 年)、及中村地平〈霧之蕃社〉(1939 年)──來探討這些台灣原住民再現中「野蠻」與「文明」之間充滿曖昧與矛盾的辯證過程,是如何呈現出日本帝國的種族論述在西方視線下的屈折性質。主要探討的問題為:異種族「仇恨」與「親密」這兩個極端關係的糾葛,以及種族、性與自然等因素在其中的交錯,如何環繞著官方殖民論述與政策、作家的「原初」憧憬與帝國批判,以突顯日本種族論述的內在矛盾性。本文討論的結果發現,日本作為後進黃種人帝國,自身的種族同化歷史經驗與創傷心理,使得日本文化人以屈折的方式,對台灣原住民與其文化感受到詩意、浪漫、誘惑、讚嘆與同情,想像或嚮往另一種有異於現代(西洋化)主體的可能性:即與原始自然、部落共同體與傳統合為一體的「原初」存在。然而,他們在挑戰既有種族論述之同時,也仍受到種族身分與所處時代的限制,不由自主地複製了西方種族論述的內在結構與邏輯。
This paper deals with four Japanese writers’ literary texts on Taiwanese aboriginal riots, exploring how the dialectic process of “savage” and “civilization” in these texts reflects Japan’s ambivalent position as a “colored” empire under the shadow of the Western “discourse of civilization.” This paper focuses on the following nest of issues: how does the intertwining of the two extremes of interracial “antagonism” and “intimacy,” along with the intersections of race, sex, and nature inherent in it, demonstrate the inherent ambivalence of Japanese racial discourse that hightens the tension between colonial discourse and policy and the writer’s criticism of which out of Primitivism. This paper aims to show that the historical experience and traumatic psychology of Westernization in a late, “colored” empire created complications in the attitude of Japanese intellectuals regarding the aborigines in Taiwan. On the one hand, as evinced in their romantic sympathy with and poetic admiration of the Taiwanese aborigines, they imagine or long for the possibility of subjectivities other than modern (Westernized) subject: i.e. as primitive existence closely united with nature, one’s own racial community and tradition. On the other hand, being confined by their own “colored” racial stance and the racial thinking of the era, they still unconsciously replicate the inner logic and structure of Western racial discourse.
起訖頁 51-84
關鍵詞 原住民抗日事件佐藤春夫山部歌津子大鹿卓中村地平aboriginal riotsSato HaruoYamabe KatsukoOshika Taku
刊名 中外文學  
期數 201209 (41:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 有關災難、邪惡與救贖的一些唯物神學的思考:讀宋澤萊的《血色蝙蝠降臨的城市》與《熱帶魔界》
該期刊-下一篇 《我城》與存在主義:西西自〈東城故事〉以來的創作軌跡




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