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Building the Lifestyle-Oriented ICT Health Service Platform Targeting Generation Segments--A Case Study on Group Therapy of Metabolic Syndrome
作者 黃富美蕭嘉士蕭淑玲郭燕婷陳文欽黎煥中簡銘男江琇琴劉立
全球老年人口的攀升及壽命的延長,社會醫療費用支出已造成各國財政 負擔,根據行政院衛生署92 年度全氏健康保險醫療統計年報顯示,糖尿病、 高血壓、心臟病、腦中風等慢性疾病已佔全部醫療費用支出的15.9% '比國人 頭號死因癌症所支出之醫療費用多出2.25 倍,且呈現逐年增高趨勢;為促進 國氏健康,政府致力研發相關策略,除了健康教育的宣導,並逐漸朝向與新 興科技結合,在2006 年8 月16 日行政院產業科技策略會議(SRB) 以'ICT 平 台事業之檢視與前瞻」為主題進行討論,致力推動ICT 平台與產業應用結合。 本計畫以代謝症候群為例,探討各世代族群特性、生活型態、健康需求,結 合團體治療的理念並透過ICT 平台,提供健康新知、保健、照護、監測及管理 等各層面服務,以確實落實氏眾健康自我管理的概念,預防或改善或控制代 謝症候群的情形,進而提昇國民健康及期能減少醫療費用的支出。
The large cohorts moving into old age in the coming decades may bring the fiscal sustainability of current health and long-term care systems into question in different countries; health spending of government is projected to increase further due to costly new medical technologies and population ageing. According to Department of Health, in 2003, nearly 15.9% of government health expenditure were utilized for the diseases of diabetes cardiac hypertensive and apoplectic, which is 2.25 times higher than cancer and this figure is gradually increasing every year. To respond to this growing demand, government has been dedicating to develop new strategies by applying advanced technologies to ensure the access of relevant care and quality of services and make care affordable. In 2006 Aug, the STAG (Science & Technology Advisory Group) has steered the ICT Platform Review and development as the major topic discussed in the meeting of SBR (Strategic Review Board) of the Executive Yuan to promote further development of applications and technologies. By integrating the structure of ICT platform, the main aim of this paper is based on metabolic syndromes and the concept of group therapy to categorize and analyze different types of generations lifestyles and health demands to provide services with a choice of care options including health prevention monitoring and surveillance among various levels and also, enabling person s self-health management and enhance the prevention control of metabolic syndrome to reduce the need of health expenditure. This research was supported by the e-Application Innovation Four-year Project (2/4) of Institute for Information Industry and sponsored by MOEA, ROC.
起訖頁 16-33
關鍵詞 代謝症候群資通訊技術平臺生活型態團體治療世代族群Metabolic syndromeInformation communication technologyICTLifestyleGroup therapyGeneration
刊名 醫院  
期數 200612 (39:6期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 醫療產業應用無線射頻識別技術之可行性研究
該期刊-下一篇 某醫院門診病患滿意度分析




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