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The Feasibility Study for RFID Applications in Medical Industry
作者 詹皇謙陳文欽黃琡雅 (Shu-Ya Huang)李思智劉立
近年無線射頻辨識技術(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID )熱潮方興 未艾,在許多領域皆有各式的應用,如物流、零售、運輸等;在醫療產業之 應用發展也相當受到關注,在國內亦有醫院規劃建置RFID 系統的例子,如何 利用RFID 來增進病人安全的話題也引起了廣泛的討論。 醫療資訊應用往往需縱向貫聯不同等紋,並與同層級水平之協同合作及 訊息傳遞;但目前醫院導入RFID 建畫系統並無統一的標準'長此以往將會造 成日後資料流通的困難性,增加運作的成本。針對現階段醫療院所之需求與 醫療產業發展現況,本文將藉由現階段台灣醫院協會對於醫療產業應用無線 射頻技術的規劃'並透過問卷和分析,訪問國內醫療從業人員對於RFID 功能 和原理的了解、功能應用的認同與未來發展的期待,包括現今的發展狀況、 未來的發展方向,以及預期中發展將遭遇到的困難。
Radio frequency identification (RFID) first appeared in tracking and access applications during the 1980s and in recent years, it has been widely discussed and applied in logistics, retailers, transpiration and other hostile environments where the bar code labels could not survive. How to establish and develop RFID for medical domain to integrate with current healthcare information system for patient safety has drawn high attention for many experts of medical informatics. In Taiwan, after SARS hit Taiwan seriously, several hospitals develop their own systems with RFID for patient identification and objects tracking by using different standards. Nevertheless, for medical operations, information and messages generally need to be exchanged within vertical and horizontal levels crossing hospitals and healthcare organizations. To meet the requirements of medical operation, the system interoperability should be taken into much consideration while using the advanced technology to avoid any extra expense for future integration and development, also, to reduce the difficulty for data transmissions among heterogeneous systems. In this paper, we have cooperated with Taiwan Hospital Association who is carrying out the 'RFID Applications in Healthcare' project and send questionnaires to medical personnel to evaluate and analyze the possibility and difficulty of future RFID applications and development in healthcare domain in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 無線射頻識別技術醫療資訊醫療產業病人安全醫療應用RFIDRadio frequency identificationMedical informationMedical industryPatient safetyMedical applications
刊名 醫院  
期數 200612 (39:6期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-下一篇 建構生活型態導向之族群化ICT健康服務平臺--以代謝症侯群團體治療為例




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