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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Rasch Analysis of Employee Questionnaire for Screening Roll Names as Focused Interviews with CEO |
作者 |
錢才瑋、梁安億、王文中 |
中文摘要 |
醫院經營面臨著總額支付制度及勞退新制的衝擊,如何留住優秀的員 工,並使「員工滿意」的向心力凝聚而促使在工作上有所表現,充分發揮個 人的能力,為醫院人力資源管理者亟需努力之處。新制醫院評鑑標準8 . 1 .3 .2 項規定:傾聽員工心聲或建立其申訴管道,進行員工滿意度調查,增進溝通 與主動,以提升工作技能。對於員工意見另具有回應者可評為B。倘是再有具 體且適當之處理,則可評定為A,遂是醫院經營者更需面對的課題。 本研究利用Rasch ( 1960 ) 測量客觀等距的特性,分析南部某區域級醫院 2005 年員工滿意度調查。利用Winsteps (Linacre, 1999) 軟體進行等級量尺模 式的檢測,當問1頁的outfit 或infit MNSQ 超出0.6 及1.4之外者,即予刪列而期 以符合其單向度及局部獨立性的試題反應理論假設後,經由統計檢定分析進 行(1)參與座談會族群的篩選;及(2) 會談族群問卷異常報表的提供。 結果顯示3 8 個問項經效度分析後剩下33 題及5 題分別符合其單向度的 Rasch 模式,取名為員工處境面及管理階層面的二建構因素。員工處境面中最 困難(1 .46個logits)的問項是對醫院員工能定期聚會交換意見的次數,最易( -0.99 個logits)而滿意度最高是與本單位同仁相處愉快。管理階層面的能與 員工定期聚會交換意見的困難度為-0.23 個logits 。 研究結果建議醫院可以先對31-40歲非主管而年資在5 至10 年未婚且是四 技畢業的護理人員進行與院長意見溝通的座談會,期以儘速發現問題並且解 決問題,尋求員工滿意度缺口的填補與改善,以符合新制醫院評鑑標準 8. 1. 3.2 項可評為B 及A之最大可能。 |
英文摘要 |
Hospital managers encounter impacts of both global budgeting and labor newly pension system. The way to keep superior employees working for the hospital is the key factor faced and needed to be improved. Not only conducting an employee survey annually but also implementing solid and appropriate actions for workers was entitled in the newly standards of hospital accreditation. In this study we adopted the objective and interval characteristics of Rasch model to analyze the employee survey of a hospital located in southern part of Taiwan. The Winsteps software was used to examine data whether fit Rasch model and match a single construct. Items with outfit or infit MNSQ not in the range of .06 and 1.4 are usually diagnosed as potential misfits to Rasch model conditions and considered for deletion from the assessed sequence. Successive Rasch analyses were performed until a final set of items satisfied the model fit requirements. The results were revealed that 33 of the 38 items fitted the model's expectation fairly well as named employee feeling factor and 5 items named as management factor. The most difficult item for the employees to earn satisfaction was meeting and discussion together frequently. The easiest one was to be happily with colleagues in their own department. We suggested that those people of age between 31 and 40, non-manager nurses, work experience from 5 to 10 years, unmarried and graduation from college were firstly recommended to participate in meeting and discussing with CEO of the hospital and then to improve any unsatisfactory feeling happened to them as soon as possible. |
起訖頁 |
24-39 |
關鍵詞 |
Rasch分析、單向度、員工滿意度、醫院評鑑、Rasch analysis、Hospital accreditation、Employee satisfaction、Single construc |
刊名 |
醫院 |
期數 |
200604 (39:2期) |
出版單位 |
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