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The Study of Urban and Rural Differences of Inpatients Satisfaction of a Non-profit Multi-hositals System
作者 顏淑涓曾文雄黃俊雄廖雪雲廖寶真陳慧櫻胡子中黃秋宗朱玉華廖鴻華劉東玉柯伶宜
本研究條應用某財團法人醫院之總分院對於住院病人做服務滿意度調查 資料,依地理位置不同,界定位於大台北地區的總院為城市醫院;位於台東 偏遠地區的台東分院為鄉村醫院:位於新竹地區的新竹分院為城鄉交會醫 院。由滿意度調查資料分析台灣地區域鄉醫院的病人家庭月收入、教育程 度、對醫療服務的滿意度是否有城鄉差距。並採用因素分析和逐步迴歸分 析,進一步探討影響整體滿意度最重要的構面和服務項目。 研究方法:採用本研究醫院總分院18 位醫務、護理、行政等代表修正問 卷內容,使問卷內容適合總分院調查使用。為減少發出問卷者因說明用語和 態度的不同,造成比較上的差異,設計問卷標準用語及調查作業須知。統計 分析使用SPSS 10.0 for Windows 及SAS 8.2 套裝軟體。 根據研究結果發現:病人之教育程度和家庭月收入,有城鄉差距。醫 療專業人員之服務態度,無城鄉差距。病人對醫療服務之需求,有城鄉差 距。整體性滿意度和顧客忠誠度是一致的,無城鄉差距。影響整體滿意度最 重要的構面,是本研究醫院的聲譽。影響整體滿意度最重要的問項是本研究 醫院的工作人員有愛心、視病猶親。
This study applied the annual inpatient satisfaction database of a non-profit multi-hospitals system for analysis. Based on different geographical locations, the main hospital which location is in Taipei metropolitan area was defined as the urban hospital, the Taitung branch hospital was defined as the rural hospital, and the Hsinchu branch hospital was defined as the suburban hospital. The differences between urban and rural hospital systems were determined by analyzing the inpatient data on household income, educational status and the service satisfaction of the respondents. And factor analysis and regression analysis was performed to determined the ranking of questionnaire prospective and service items that affect the satisfaction of the respondents. Methodology: In order to reach the multi-hospital-wide consensus; 18 specialists that included medical, nursing and administrative staff of the multi-hospitals system developed the satisfaction questionnaire. And the questionnaire designing rules and investigation guideline was standardized to avoid the sampling bias during the sampling process. The SPSS 10.0 for Windows and SAS 8.2 were used to perform the statistical analysis. Results: We found that the educational status and household income of the respondents is significantly different among the urban, suburban, and rural hospitals. There is no difference in specialists service attitude, while the demand for service is different among hospitals of different area. We also found that the overall satisfaction and customer royalty is consistent in the multi-hospital system. Hospital s reputation is the most important prospective in the overall satisfaction of the studied hospitals. The top service items of the overall satisfaction are the hospital s staff serve with love and treat patients as their families.
起訖頁 21-34
關鍵詞 住院病人滿意度醫院聲譽顧客忠誠度Inpatient satisfactionHospital's reputationCustomer royalty
刊名 醫院  
期數 200602 (39:1期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 新興傳染病對人類之影響與醫療機構的因應之道
該期刊-下一篇 總額預算支付制度對西醫師執業行為之影響──以六所區域級以上醫院為例




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