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In and Out of New Media Studies Mediation as a Literary Question
作者 陳春燕
This article examines some of the prominent strands in new media studies and media archaeology, in particular their conceptions of medium and mediation, in the hope of pondering the relevance of literary studies in the age of digital media. The article begins with analysis of major architects in new media studies, followed by discussion of the thread of inquiry in the field that understands mediation ontologically, and followed further by a look at the study of digital literature. The article then moves on to media archaeology as well as an emerging literary method inspired by the field, which I would like to term medial literary analysis. In conclusion, the article returns to literary studies to see how it has approached the question of mediation and how it may gain from the concept of mediation developed by contemporary media studies. I argue that this journey into media theory can help the literary field come to recognize the mediality of literature in a broader sense, broader, for instance, than merely considering the physical properties of the medium being employed in literary creations. Building on Walter Benjamin’s philosophy of language, which broaches the constitutive incommunicability in communication, my article suggests that, as a medium defined by language proper, literature’s self-imaging today can start by looking at the relationship between mediation and communicability.
起訖頁 127-159
關鍵詞 新媒體研究媒介考古學媒介傳介關係性物質性new media studiesmedia archaeologymediummediationrelationalitymateriality
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201512 (27期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 重訪天使島--評《埃崙詩集》第二版




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