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英美文學評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Pedagogical Role of the Literary Text-Comfort Woman from a Global Perspective
作者 李所姬黃伊婷
在美國,亞美研究的主要教育目標是希望「讓不同種族的學生進行亞裔美國研究」,然而,筆者認為在東亞脈絡下教書的我們,選擇亞美研究教學用的文學文本時,需有強烈自覺。就閱讀多元種族與多元文化的文學而言,凱樂(Nora Okja Keller)的《慰安婦》(Comfort Woman)這本小說完美地實踐了「完形」(gestalt)的空間概念。不僅是文本,甚至是教師的角色皆會深深影響學生是否能易地而處,對《慰安婦》中的角色有同理心,並產生同情之心與憐憫之情。由於《慰安婦》小說在對韓國文化有不同程度認識的讀者身上也會有不同程度的作用,這時,「怎麼做」就取決於教師在特定的文化脈絡中個人的教學經驗、方法和技巧。藉著把東亞的教學經驗帶入美國的文學場域,可以是知識生產有力的出發點。《慰安婦》這本小說做了絕佳的示範,展現在東亞的亞裔美國研究者如何運用跨文化與雙語優勢,豐富我們的閱讀經驗。因此,身為教師,我們需要具備高敏感度,以便解讀個別學生在閱讀《慰安婦》這樣的文本時所產生的情緒變化,我們更需充分準備相關知識及歷史資料,因為這樣的批判實踐最能有效彰顯我們地緣政治位置的重要性。
While the pedagogy of Asian American Studies in the USA mainly aspires to “the making of Asian Americanists out of a heterogeneous array of students,” I think that we, teaching in an East Asian context, should be very self-conscious about selecting the literary texts for Asian American Studies. Nora Okja Keller’s Comfort Woman is one of the best literary texts to practice the “gestalt” space in terms of reading multi-ethnic and multi-cultural literature. Not only the role of the text but the role of the lecturer have had an important influence on the students’ experiencing empathy and sympathy with the text Comfort Woman. The novel works at different levels for readers who are differently informed about Korean culture. At this time, “How to do it” depends on the lecturer’s personal teaching experience, method, and skill in the specific cultural context. Teaching experience can be an effective starting point for the production of knowledge by bringing the East Asian experience into American literary scenes. The literary text Comfort Woman could be considered as one of the best examples of how we, as Asian Americanists in East Asia, attempt to utilize our advantageous position with its bicultural and bilingual background. Therefore, we need sharp sensitivity to be able to read each student’s emotional transformation and the wider knowledge related to a specific text such as Comfort Woman, because it is one of the most valuable attempts to highlight our geopolitical locations in critical practice.
起訖頁 99-110
關鍵詞 教育完形同理心同情心教學經驗地緣政治位置知識生產《慰安婦》pedagogygestaltempathysympathyteaching experiencegeopolitical locationknowledge productionComfort Woman
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201512 (27期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 失國情境下的生存突圍--從《老爸的笑聲》再探卜婁杉的菲╱美書寫
該期刊-下一篇 重訪天使島--評《埃崙詩集》第二版




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