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Waking/Walking into Global Capitalism on the Pacific Rim-A Poetics, a Geopolitics, Some Poems
作者 威雷伯
「在首爾醒覺」(“waking in Seoul”)的意思其實是「在首爾行走」(“walking in Seoul”)。這篇論文是我對二十年多前出版的《在首爾醒覺》裏頭所呈現的美國環太平洋詩學的回顧與省思的更新版本。首先我將檢視把環太平洋、韓國、亞際矛盾地框限為當代文化生產場地的問題,探討其既打造又扭曲「世界」的矛盾意義,然後檢視更核心的美國全球化易位與跨太平洋去中心現象。這種情形當下正在香港與臺灣等場地發生,於南韓、日本及中華人民共和國尤烈。在這些場域裏頭,美國文化的中心性與影響力早已就地改變了。論文進一步思考「美國詩學」作為「跨區域的區域研究」等計畫或工作之整體意義。
“Waking in Seoul,” the book title to a 1988 poetry and prose hanbun collection, really meant “walking in Seoul.” Waking/walking in Seoul activated and embodied as a mode of poetic, proprioceptive, and ethnographic knowledge of the self-in-the-world. In this reflection presented as a revised, ongoing, and updated intervention into US Pacific Rim poetics that I first wrote and published called Waking in Seoul, I will start by examining the contradictory enframing of the Pacific Rim, Korea, and Inter-Asia as sites of contemporary cultural production and, at the core of it all, the US global displacement and transpacific de-centering now taking place in sites like Hong Kong and Taiwan and, all the more so, South Korea, Japan, and PRC China. In so doing, I will be pressurizing and building upon the contradictory world-making-and-deforming meanings of “Pacific Rim” as a cultural-production framework, and the whole meaning of “American poetics” as a project or work in such sites of trans-area area studies where the centrality and impact of American culture has been regionally transformed.
起訖頁 37-55
關鍵詞 醒覺/行走全球資本主義環太平洋詩學首爾waking/walkingglobal capitalismPacific Rim poeticsSeoul
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201512 (27期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 勾沉與出新--譚碧芳訪談錄
該期刊-下一篇 自傳書╱畫--《越南美國》中的圖像記憶場域




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