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From Chapter 'Za' in Ancient Books to Explain the Chapter Problems of 'Za-Lv' in Qin and Han Dynasties
作者 陳中龍 (Chung-lung Chen)
During the period from "Fa-Jing"(法經)to "Law Nine Chapters"(九章律),except the chapter of "za-lv"(雜律),there were "wei-za"(尉雜)and "nei-shi-za" (內史雜) in "Eighteen kinds of Qin Lv". The appeared of "wei-za"and "nei-shi-za", let we know there was another kind of "za-lv" in Qin Dynasty. This study will through analyzing the compiled process and placed position of chapter "za"(雜篇), to explain the meanings what the chapter of "za-lv" was in "Fa-Jing" and "Law Nine Chapters". It was very common that the books named "za" in Qin and Han Dynasties, the position of chapter "za" usually placed at last in one unit or whole chapters for a book. It named "za", because its contents were numerous or complex, but another reason was it had no centralized theme. The "za-fa"(雜法)in "Fa- Jing" conformed the principle of chapter "za" in ancient books, it placed at last in the unit of criminal laws. The principle that "za-lv" placed at last in the unit of criminal laws still retained to North-Qi Dynasty, but it changed in Sui and Tang Dynasties. Because "wei-za" and "nei-shi-za" appeared, we know it had "za-lv" in the administrative regulations, "wei-za" was the chapter "za" of "wei-lv"(尉律), "nei-shi-za" was the chapter "za" of "nei-shi-lv"(內史律). Still now, we can confirm that the contents of "wei-za" and "nei-shi-za" were administrative regulations; they named "za", because their provisions had no centralized theme, but more important reason is they were not the main body legislations in their departments.
起訖頁 113-136
關鍵詞 秦漢雜律雜篇Qin and Han DynastiseZa-LvChapter Za
刊名 止善  
期數 201606 (20期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 海上鱗族異者--章魚史話與書寫
該期刊-下一篇 明人「恐倭」心理之初探--以嘉靖倭亂後的福建為例




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