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Development and Application of a Telephone Counseling Services for Care of Patients with Gastric Cancer
作者 林紋麗林建良張書展吳佩樺 (Pei-Hua Wu)黃文聰曹朝榮
The number of gastric cancer patients has increased in recent years; therefore, the effective dissemination of information related to symptoms care has become increasingly especially important for cancer patients. Previous studies have indicated that physical and psychological of cancer patients can be effectively resolved by telephone counseling services (TCS). Thus, determining the most effective means of establishing a TCS to support the clinical practice of oncology has become a crucial goal for nursing. The purposes of this study were to analysis the content of the TCS for gastric cancer and explore the satisfaction of the TCS. The study design was adopted retrospective study. A total of 124 calls were recruited for gastric cancer patients in the cancer center of Southern Taiwan during the period of January 2007- December 2011. A structure questionnaire was adopted to analysis the satisfaction. Responses provided by the TCS included information regarding nutrition, side effects resulting from chemotherapy, and eating restrictions. Moreover, 19.4% of gastric cancer patients were needed advance treatment. More than 90% satisfaction with all aspects of the calls was found. The TCS provided an effective means by which to expand the reach of nursing care to different times, places, and patients, allowing for greater cost efficiency and more rapid service.
起訖頁 39-47
關鍵詞 胃癌電話諮詢服務Gastric cancerTelephone counseling service
刊名 醫院  
期數 201506 (48:3期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 探討護理人員遵從標準作業與尖銳物品扎傷之風險
該期刊-下一篇 護理人員推動無痛醫院的角色




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