英文摘要 |
Objectives: To improve the disclosure mechanism in reimbursement claims for Taiwanese hospitals, we aim to complement information on 1) goal unexpected performance in month, 2) the historic stability in change over time, 3) ranking ordered hospital in magnitude of reimbursement, 4) depicting hospital reimbursement blueprint of interest. Methods: Appling rating scale model of Rasch analysis to examine data unidimensional property, we incorporate with Chi-square statistics, standardized residual Z-score, interval logit score derived from Rasch modeling to depict a detailed hospital’s pattern of reimbursement claims. Results: After removing data of year 2006, the month data fitted to the Rasch model’ s requirement of a single construct. Variance of model’s explanation was 99%, and Cronbach’ s Alpha was 0.98. There were 26 hospitals (4.74%) which long-term variation of reimbursement claims were shown under-fitting (Outfit MNSQ>2.0). In September of 2008, there were 102 hospitals (18.58%) which Z-score greater than 1.96(p<.05) indicates significantly aberrant distortion. Among them, both local area and region hospitals showed highest ratio, accounting for 21.75% and 37.50%, respectively. The local area hospital showed most in Z-score aberrance. Greater under data-fit demonstrated with Outfit MNSQ was shown less in both region hospitals and medical centers. Conclusions: BNHI could apply the four disclosed elements of Z-score, Outfit mean square, hospital ranks with logit scaled scores, and a hyperlink of individual performances for hospital reimbursement to enhance the efficacy of disclosure mechanism under a closer cooperative supervision by civics, academics and hospitals themselves for which hospital global budgeting has been implemented in Taiwan. |