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On the Study of the Decoration of Veranda of Kim-Men Yang-Lon Houses: A Case Study on the Decoration of Pediments and Cornices
作者 聶志高王素娟吳基正林美琪郭雅雯
建築裝飾是內在意涵外現的一種方式。裝飾題材的選擇通常能傳達屋主的企圖與祈求,因它賦予宅第超越建築實體之外另一種精神象徵。金門洋樓住宅多藉由外廊立面裝飾的形式,來表現當時代的時尚,審美觀及價值觀,也是傳統閩式建築朝向多元化發展的開端。在裝飾的部位方面特別集中於「簷牆」及「檐部飾帶」上,以造型語彙及構圖佈局,來顯示西(南)洋和閩式風格的主次關係,兼容並存的手法。因此,本文針對該部分進行探究,以掌握其裝飾題材與意涵的關係,具體的研究成果包括:1.洋樓簷牆可分為「矮牆型」、「望柱型」和「中央山頭型」等三種類型,其中以「中央山頭型」的裝飾語彙最為豐富與多樣。另一方面,在檐部飾帶的表現手法上,有3成餘之案例承襲閩式「疊 澀線腳」之作法;相對的,有6成以上之案例採層次豐富,具西洋風格之「曲線線腳」。2.「山頭」的裝飾題材,以動物類和植物類的主題使用最頻繁,動物類多取其祈福避兇、守護家園,意喻身分仕途之意,而植物類則納其平安富貴、子孫綿延之表徵。3.在裝飾圖騰的佈局上,以「中軸對稱」及「以中為尊」為構圖上重要的原則。
Architectural decoration is one of the means to represent implicit meaning of architectures. The choice of decorating materials sometimes, intentionally or unintentionally, discloses the intention and willing of a house owner. The symbolic meaning imposed by these materials is over surpassing the effects provided by structure itself. Yang-Lon houses at Kim-Men are one of those who use the front side of exterior Veranda to exhibit fashion, beauty, and value in earlier times. It also initiates the diversification of traditional MinNam-style architectures. Through modeling vocabulary and architectural layout, the emphasis of pediments and cornices shows primary and secondary relationship between (South-) Western-style and MinNam-style architectures, respectively, a mixture of the both. Thus, the objective of this study is focused on the above theme. The topics include: 1. The pediment of Yang-Lon House has three categories, “low-wall style”,“pilaster style”, and “central pediment style”. The decorative vocabularies of central pediment style are the most plentiful. Meanwhile, more then 30% of cornices are adopted the “Dei-Se” of traditional MinNam-style houses. On the other hand, more than 60% of cornices are western-style. 2. The decorations of pediment are adopted most animal and plant motives. The purpose of using the animal motif is symbolically to bring good luck in and to keep bad evil away from house, and to signify the official title of the household. The purpose of using plant motif is to bring welfare and happiness in home, and to symbolize the anticipation of many descendants. 3.“Central axis” and “central emphasis” are basic principles of the decoration placement.
起訖頁 71-88
關鍵詞 金門洋樓簷牆檐部飾帶外廊Kim-Men Yang-Lon HousesPediments and CornicesVeranda
刊名 建築學報  
期數 200503 (51期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 九二一震災重建國小普通教室空間使用後評估之研究
該期刊-下一篇 住宿建築節能設計決策模式之研究




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