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On Qiao-Yi’s comment of “none of Li Bai’s poems are like Tao Yuanming” —Different of “ Dao” Between Tao and Li
作者 張俐盈
Qiao Yi (喬億) traced back the origin of Li Bai’s poems in his poetics writing, Jian Xi shuo shi, (劍谿說詩) and said that “ none of Li Bai’s poems are like Tao Yuanming.(陶淵明)” His comment was different between other critics even before or after him. Why and depend on which basic did Qiao-Yi say that? My methodology is below: First of all, collecting and analyzing Qiao-Yi’s comments in “Jian Xi shuo shi,” and try to figure out his critical origin of poems and his taste of poems. Secondly, find out poems in which standard and by what kind of poet that Qiao-Yi commented “like Tao.” Then take the standard to compare with Qiao-Yi’s comments of Li Bai’s poetry, and I believe it will help to understand why Qiao-Yi thought Li Bai’s poems unlike Tao Yuanming’s. Finally, I will solve the question of whether Li Bai’s poems like Tao Yuanming or not by reading Li Bai’s texts closely, and try to get the balance point between Qiao-Yi and other critics’ comments.
起訖頁 213-235
關鍵詞 喬億劍谿說詩李白陶淵明體道Chau Yi喬億Jian Xi Shuo Shi劍谿說詩Li Bai李白Tao Yuan Ming陶淵明Experience of Dao體道
刊名 東吳中文學報  
期數 201605 (31期)
出版單位 東吳大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 明清「異體式」回文詞析論
該期刊-下一篇 試論章太炎「語言文字之學」成立的思維理路及其發展




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