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Research on Tourists' Nostalgia Affection and Price Labeling of Souvenirs: The Mediating Role of Nostalgia Affection
作者 蕭至惠 (Chih-Hui Hsiao)蔡進發 (Chin-Fa Tsai)
本研究選擇襲產觀光的遊客作為研究對象,並現場訪問了335位造訪襲產觀光景點的遊客。本研究執行一個2(市價,分作誇張市價對合理市價)×2(促銷價,分作高度促銷價對低度促銷價)的雙因子受試者間實驗設計,用以檢驗市價、促銷價與懷舊情感對內部參考價格、知覺交易價值與對紀念品購買意願的影響。本文亦檢驗了真實性知覺、懷舊情感和購買意願之間的關係。SPSS 18.0統計軟體被使用來檢驗上述變數之間的關係。研究結果如下:(1)相對於合理市價,遊客對誇大市價會有較高的內部參考價格知覺。(2)相對於高度促銷價,遊客對低度促銷價會有較高的內部參考價格知覺。(3)內部參考價格對遊客的知覺交易價值具有正向影響。(4)知覺交易價值對遊客的購買意願具有正向影響。(5)懷舊情感分別正向影響遊客的內部參考價格、知覺交易價值與購買意願。(6)真實性知覺會正向影響遊客的懷舊情感。(7)懷舊情感完全中介真實性知覺和購買意願之間的關係。以前襲產觀光的研究著重在以下變數:真實性知覺、懷舊情感、動機、重遊意願關係之探討。不同於以往有關襲產觀光之研究,本文將襲產觀光的研究拓展到襲產觀光景點的紀念品價格標示方式,與懷舊情感對內部參考價格、知覺交易價值與購買意願之影響,並提出豐富的行銷意涵。
The study chose visitors of heritage tourism as a research target. A total of 335 visitors who visited heritage sites were interviewed. The researchers executed a 2 (market price: exaggerated market price vs. reasonable market price) × 2 (promotion price: high-depth promotion vs. low-depth promotion) twoway between-subjects design to examine the effects of market price, promotion price, and nostalgia affection on internal reference price, perceived transaction value, and buying intentions for souvenir. The relationship among perceptions of authenticity, nostalgia affection, and buying intention for souvenirs were also examined. SPSS (ver. 18.0) was employed to examine the relationships among all variables. The results are as follows: (1) Exaggerating market price leads to higher internal reference price compared to reasonable market price; (2) Low-depth promotion leads to higher internal reference price compared to high-depth promotion; (3) Internal reference price has a positive effect on perceived transaction value; (4) Perceived transaction value has a positive effect on buying intentions; (5) Visitor nostalgia affection has a positive effect on internal reference price, perceived transaction value, and buying intentions; (6) Perception of authenticity has a positive effect on visitor nostalgia affection; and (7) Nostalgia affection fully mediates the relationships between perception of authenticity and buying intentions. Previous studies related to heritage tourism focused on the examination of the relationships among the perception of authenticity, nostalgia affection, motivation, and revisit intentions. Contrary to previous research, this study expands the research of heritage tourism by examining the effects of price labeling formats of souvenirs in stores at heritage sites along with nostalgia affection for internal reference prices, perceived transaction value, and buying intention for souvenirs. This study also provides practitioners with rich marketing implications.
起訖頁 61-92
關鍵詞 襲產觀光價格標示懷舊情感真實性知覺Heritage tourismPrice labelingNostalgia affectionPerception of authenticity
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201509 (28:3期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 環境色彩組成與調和對情緒體驗與景觀偏好之影響
該期刊-下一篇 恐懼的變數:日夜變化對眺匿平衡的影響




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