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The Visual Impact of Building in Scenic Areas and its Influence on Visual Preference
作者 王稚絜林晏州
本研究主要探討建築物的位置與各色彩因子對於視覺衝擊的影響,並進而比較配置於不同位置的建築物與色彩對於視覺偏好的影響。本研究利用Adobe Photoshop模擬不同建築物位置及不同色彩的照片,藉以評估其視覺衝擊。總共100位受測者評估每張模擬照片之明顯程度感受及其偏好程度,評估問項以李克特七點量表進行評估,並以明顯程度作為視覺衝擊程度的測量指標。研究結果顯示建築物位置不同,明顯程度感受與偏好程度不同,而各色彩對比顯著影響明顯程度及視覺偏好。此外,明顯程度與視覺偏好相關,但會因基地位置不同而呈現不一樣的關係。
In this study, different building locations and colors were investigated to determine the effect on visual impact, as well as to examine the influence on visual preference. Photos depicting different building locations and colors were simulated by Adobe Photoshop and used as a stimulus to assess visual impact. The level of perceived obviousness was used in the study as a measure for assessing visual impact. One hundred respondents were requested to rate each photo for perceived obviousness and their preference using a seven point Likert scale. The results indicated that the ratings of perceived obviousness and preference for the buildings varied according to the location, with different ratings given to the same building when in different locations. Color contrast was also found to significantly correlate with obviousness and preference ratings. The findings of the study also revealed a correlation between preference and perceived obviousness.
起訖頁 75-98
關鍵詞 色彩對比位置天際線明顯程度倒U字型曲線Color ContrastLocationSkylineObviousnessInverted U-shaped Curve
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201506 (28:2期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 認真性休閒與心流體驗之關係:情境涉入的中介與調節角色




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