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The Effect of Natural Environment Experiences on the Social Interactive Behaviors of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
作者 李美芬
In this study, qualitative and quantitative measurement tools andmultiple data collection methods (i.e., behavioral observation, the AdaptiveBehavior Scale, and interviews) were employed to investigate the effect thatexperiences in the natural environment have on the social interactive behaviorsof children with autism spectrum disorders. The results revealed that during themid- and late stages of the natural environment experience, the majority of theparticipants exhibited improvements in both their initiative to explore the naturalelements and the capacity to adapt to diverse games in a natural environment.During the early stage of the experience, the participants’ health and emotionalstatus were found to affect their performance in terms of their social interactivebehavior. After making contact with the natural environment and accumulatingrelated experiences, the emotional stability of the majority of the participantsimproved, with improvements in the observed performance of socially interactivebehaviors, such as interpersonal communication and sharing. It is anticipatedthat in the future, the participants will be able to internalize the positive socialinteractive behavior patterns learnt during this study, and apply this knowledgeto their daily lives. The results of this study may serve as reference for specialeducation institutions or family members of children with autistic spectrumdisorders during counseling and parenting.
起訖頁 19-50
關鍵詞 泛自閉症兒童自然環境社會互動溝通行為發展Autism spectrum childrenNatural environmentSocial interactionCommunicationBehavior development
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201506 (28:2期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 以眼球追蹤技術檢驗眺望藏匿理論中的景觀偏好
該期刊-下一篇 認真性休閒與心流體驗之關係:情境涉入的中介與調節角色




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