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The Surprising Delight of a JRF Internship
作者 汪卓奇
一開始,我就想把我在法學院的第一個暑期實習工作安排在東亞地區。其實,早在我進法學院以前,我就已經在中國大陸和日本工作、讀書和生活過一陣子了;因此,雖然這將是一趟法律之旅,但我認為這次實習仍會是我過去東亞經驗的延 伸。當然,我還是很期待一個全新的探險,例如去一個我從來沒有到訪過的國家。而就在我收到了各式各樣、來自東亞各地不同的實習機會後,我做了決定…選擇台灣的「民間司法改革基金會」。司改會的目標相當吸引我,我完全支持其所呈現出的全面性還有倫理的本質。而司改會包羅萬象的各種活動,能讓我對民主法制系統有更廣泛的理解,強過於某些有特定目標、或在非民主國家體制下運作的團體。此外,能在台灣生活一段日子,更是讓我熱情不已。我早就期待能來看看這「另一個中國」。
Initially, I only knew I wanted to work in East Asia for my first summer legal internship. Before entering law school I had previously lived, worked, and studied in China and Japan, so I felt returning to East Asia in a legal context would make a natural extension of my past experiences. Of course, I also desired a fresh adventure, probably one in a country I had never, or barely, visited. After receiving various internship offers from several countries in the region, I firmly decided to spend my summer at Taiwan's Judicial Reform Foundation. The JRF's stated mission attracted me because of its comprehensive nature and ethical certainty, with which I wholly agreed. Furthermore, its broad range of activities could provide me with a greater glimpse into the domestic legal system than more specifically oriented groups or those operating in non-democratic states. And the opportunity to live in Taiwan itself filled me with enthusiasm. I had long wanted to see 'the other China.'
起訖頁 66-67
刊名 司法改革雜誌  
期數 20030815 (46期)
出版單位 財團法人民間司法改革基金會
該期刊-上一篇 反法治社會,法官成幫凶?




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