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A Study on the Poetic Topic of the Dialectical Relationship between Wen and Qing by the Revivalist in Ming Dynasty
作者 陳英傑
Wang Shi-zhen highlights the statement of "Qing as the source of Wen" and "Wen as the source of Qing" in his book Yi Yuan Zhi Yan. The dialectical relationship of Wen and Qing in his view, in fact, involves the revivalists in the Ming Dynasty; and how the revivalists approach the topic of aesthetic experience from the readers’ perspective. This article will present a systematic study for the above topic. Through the results of further research, we begin to understand that "Qing as the source of Wen" is related to the origin, nature, and aesthetic effects of poetry. "Wen as the source of Qing" involves the reading and appreciation of poetry. After the revivalists viewed poems through the lens of the readers and having obtained aesthetic experience, they were then inspired to write poetry of their own. This phenomenon explains the importance of two issues: "Poetry Interpretation" and "the Mimicking of Ancient Poets". The revivalists apply the interpretation of aesthetics in the understanding of poetry. They had also mimicked and learned poetry from the perspective of Qing. Through this article, we will be able to comprehend the revivalists’ poetic concept.
起訖頁 143-192
關鍵詞 明代復古派文情辯證關係美感經驗審美式閱讀情志學古the Revivalists in Ming Dynastythe Dialectical Relationship of Wen and QingAesthetic Experiencethe Read Orientation of AestheticMimicked and Learned Poetry from the Perspective of Qing
刊名 思與言  
期數 201512 (53:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「情志批評」商榷
該期刊-下一篇 試析姚文燮《昌谷集註》之情志批評取向




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