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From Emotion-Intention Criticism to Hermeneutics of Authorial Intention
作者 車行健
The Emotion-Intention Criticism has long been the main approach in Chinese classical literature criticism, on which Professor Kun-Yang Yen has fruitful discussion. Responding to Yen's research, this article states not only his discourse, but also applies the classical hermeneutics to enrich the criticism theory. In order to clarify and intensify the academic context. The article has two main parts. In the first part, we look into Yen's statements, including the two sub-types of Emotion-Intention Criticism, and the method and practice of it. In the second part, we use the classical hermeneutics as framework to look into Emotion-Intention Criticism. Besides investigating the possibilities of Hermeneutics of Emotion-Intention, with regards to its method and validity. In this study, we go through the process from literature criticism to literature hermeneutics, from Emotion-Intention Criticism to Hermeneutics of Emotion-Intention, and finally, from Hermeneutics of Emotion-Intention to Hermeneutics of Authorial Intention. The article intends to split Hermeneutics of Emotion-Intention from Emotion-Intention Criticism as a separate entity and can be amplified to apply to all humanities science works as a new aspect of Hermeneutics of Authorial Intention.
起訖頁 49-79
關鍵詞 文學批評情志批評情志箋釋學經典詮釋學原志詮釋學literature criticismEmotion-Intention CriticismHermeneutics of Emotion-Intentionclassical hermeneuticsHermeneutics of Authorial Intention
刊名 思與言  
期數 201512 (53:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 生命存在的通感與政教意識型態的寄託:中國古代文學「情志批評」的「反身性詮釋效用」
該期刊-下一篇 「情志批評」商榷




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