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Experiences of life re-building among post-renal transplantation patients: A Qualitative Perspective
作者 陳淑雅胡文郁黃智英 (Chih-Ying Huang)趙麗花楊郁
本研究旨在採焦點團體和半結構式訪談之質性研究方法,針對中部某醫學中心腎臟移 植後一年以上的患者,採立意取樣的資料收集方式,共訪談六位患者,以錄音、錄影及摘 記方式記錄實際情形,將所得資料進行編碼與內容分析,結果歸納出三個主題和細分十個 次主題:1)身體機能照護:「感受症狀餘盪困擾,保健重塑機能」、「擔心發生併發症,定 期監測追蹤」、「寄望掙脫困境,企盼獲得援助」、「擷集養身方法,延緩再次惡化」。2)心 理社會調適:「面對疾病歷程,尋求情緒解壓」、「處於不確定感,重新定位角色」、「家人 情感依附,組織支持系統」。3)生命態度轉化:「反思生命價值,正向面對與處理」、「身 心歷經幽谷,展現生命韌性」、「反思疾病意義,思考死亡準備」。期能提供醫療人員瞭解 腎臟移植後患者的生活經驗的重構與感受,並作為照護之參考。
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences of post-renal transplantation patients in terms of how they went about rebuilding their lives over the course of one year in a medical center in the central region of Taiwan. Six patients were recruited and underwent a semi-structured interview, which was taped, video-recorded and then analyzed and categorized. The results indicated that the experiences of rebuilding life could be grouped into three main themes, consisting of 10 subthemes. The three themes were: (1) physical care behavior: efforts to protect the body according to the perceived burden they face, making regular follow- up medical check-ups due to complications, desiring to escape from the suffering and to gain support, and trying to learn skills to prevent renal function degeneration; (2) psychosocial adaptation: seeking relief from stress caused by disease, updating one’s social role when it becomes uncertain, and maintaining the support system in close family relationships; and (3) life attitude transformation: actively seeking a positive value to life, inspiration to endure physical and mental challenges, and finding meaning in relation to disease and preparation for death. The findings of this study may provide health professionals with insights into, and understanding of, the experiences and perceptions of post-renal transplantation patients, and serve as a reference for providing them with care services.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 末期腎臟病腎臟移植生活經驗end stage renal diseaserenal transplantationexperience of life
刊名 臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌  
期數 200912 (8:2期)
出版單位 臺灣腎臟護理學會
該期刊-下一篇 透析患者的憂鬱現象及其護理處置




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