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A Project to Improve Expectant Father's Satisfaction During Labor and Delivery
作者 李文惠洪子琄簡靜宜王梅芳林月娥 (Yueh-E Lin)
According to the health policy of "expectant father presenting during labor and delivery" proposed by the Bureau of Health of Taipei City Government in 1999, maternal anxiety can be reduced, as well as mother’s self-confidence increased, by having expectant father present during labor and delivery. In our department, the survey of expectant father's satisfaction between March 1^(st) and March 15^(st) of 2013 was only 39.25%. The low satisfaction may adversely affect the willingness of expectant father's accompany. The purpose of this project was to improve the expectant father's satisfaction during labor and delivery. This project employed both qualitative interview and questionnaire survey, and the findings were as followed: the absence of standard of care for expectant fathers, the ineffectiveness of nursing instructions and the lack appropriate dressing equipment. Upon literary review and group discussion, this project drafted a standard procedure for expect father during labor and delivery, a notice on related information and a health education leaflet, and then instructed expectant fathers on the use of "labor and delivery bag for expectant fathers", as well as "on-the-job prenatal parental education". The implementation of the project successfully increased the rate of expectant father's satisfaction during labor and delivery from 39.25% to 91.10%. We herein expect the project to improve the cohesion among family members and raise the quality of care via family-oriented goal.
起訖頁 74-85
關鍵詞 準爸爸陪產滿意度expectant fatherpresent during labor and deliverysatisfaction
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201512 (14:6期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 應用ROC 曲線分析驗證精簡版住院病人跌倒危險因子評估工具之準確度研究
該期刊-下一篇 提升下肢骨骼牽引照護正確率之改善專案




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