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The Study of Using smart phones Satisfaction: Example for Chungyu Institute of Technology
作者 蕭源都林騰蛟陳祐晟陳致衡鍾光硯
由於E 化時代的來臨,智慧型手機已變成不可或缺的生活必需品,而現今的手機廠牌越來越多,在不分廠牌的情況下,幾乎在外都可以看到路人們人手一支智慧型手機,智慧型手機的崛起不僅為我們的生活帶來便利,也為我們的社會帶來無限的商機。一、不同手機品牌,(一)在「硬體設備」、「作業系統」、「價值觀」、「整體顧客滿意度」上,「IPHONE」大於「HTC」與「其它」;(二)在「畫素功能」上「IPHONE」大於「HTC」、「SAMSUNG」與「其它」;二、不同手機作業系統在所有構念上,「IPHONE」大於「HTC」。研究建議:(一)IPHONE 手機在電池續航能力上提升以及採用不同的電池材質來解決膨脹問題;(二)IPHONE 在台灣設置APPLE STORE 來提升維修服務。
Since the advent of E era, smart phones have become indispensable necessities of life, more and more smart phone brands, in the case regardless of the manufacturer, you can almost see the way people outside to have one smart phones, smart phones not only bring convenience to our lives, but also tremendous opportunities for our society. First, the smart phone brand, (a) the 'hardware devices', 'operating system', 'values', 'total customer satisfaction', the 'IPHONE' was more than 'HTC' and 'Others', (b) the 'pixel function', 'IPHONE' was more than 'HTC', 'SAMSUNG' and 'Others', Second, the smart phone operating system, all construct reached signi- ficance levels, the' IPHONE 'was more than' HTC.' Research recommendations: (a) IPHONE smart phone upgrades and use different battery materials to settle the expansion issue (b) IPHONE APPLE STORE in Taiwan set up to improve service on the battery life.
起訖頁 39-58
關鍵詞 硬體設備作業系統價值觀畫素功能整體顧客滿意度Hardware DevicesOperating SystemsValuesPixel FunctionTotal Customer Satisfaction
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201605 (12:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 碳排放量對企業股價影響之初探研究
該期刊-下一篇 中醫病人人格特質與用藥行為關係之研究




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