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Missionary Activities of Quanzhen School outside of the Central Plains in Jin and Yuan Dynasties
作者 鄭素春
The Quanzhen Daoism rose in the Jin Dynasty founded by its progenitor Wang Chongyang (1113-1170), and became the greater taoist school in North China area during the Jin and Yuan dynasties. There was a saying ”Dao has Zhengyi, Quanzhen” in Ming dynasty. Among the modem scholars, Chen Yuan, Yao Cong-Wu and Sun Ke-Kuan mostly write about the development of Quanzhen Daoism in the central plains, while this article treats the missionary activities of Quanzhen Daoism outside of the central plains. Its historical materials include local chronicles, inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets and anthologies of Yuan men of letters. This article explores the propaganda through the relation between Quanzhen Daoism and the Court, the missionary activities of the Taoists outside of the Central Plains and the constructions of Taoist palaces and temples, in order to understand the way by which the Quanzhen Taoists could breakthrough the boundaries of North China area to reach external expanding and exercise greater influence.
起訖頁 61-107
關鍵詞 全真道王重陽道士的傳教活動金和元代Quanzhen DaoismWang Chongyangthe missionary activities of the TaoistsJin and Yuan dynasties
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201012 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 古代韓國的道教和道教文化
該期刊-下一篇 馬六甲、檳城華人在宗祠、義山祭祀中的聖教觀




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