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The Concepts of 'Sacred Religion' in the Chinese Ancestral and Yishan Worships in Malacca and Penang
作者 李豐楙
Since their early immigration to Malacca and Penang in Malaya, the Min and Yue immigrants have encountered a multi-cultural environment with its poly-ethnic and poly-religious groups. Therefore they have been trying to express their religious consciousness through an integrated concept of ”sacred religion”. From the mid-Ming dynasty to the mid and late Qing dynasty, the ancestral temples and Yishans (free public cemeteries) derived from their original domiciles have become family-symbolized architectures and rituals, as well as traditional rites for ancestral funeral. These beliefs and rituals are transformed and reinforced as ”sacred religion”. It integrates Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and popular religions, while the religious meaning of the original festive activities is emphasized. Malacca and Penang are taken as case studies in this essay-the Chinese population is relatively high in these two cities. From the existing ancestral worships and the historical events of Yishan being forced to move, we see Chinese descendents insisted on worshipping their ancestors and resisted to move the Yishans. The activities which had been considered as life ceremonies were thus transformed as hidden ”religious consciousness”. It was also through such consciousness that ancestral temples could gather up families. On the other hand, the sacredness of Yishan was ”discovered” in the events of people's resistance on moving Yishans. Through comparing with other races and religions, such as Muslim which Malaysians believe in, Yishan is considered as ”sacred places”, just like how Muslims see their burial places. The subjects on ancestral temples and Yishan can be both taken as individual historical issues. With the two examples mentioned above, I try to argue that there is always religious consciousness behind historical events. It is the scholars who transform the religious concept of ”sacred religion” into ”Chinese religion”. Through such a transformation of ”religious concepts”, we can argue that the Chinese definition of religion has come from people's living environment, and thus can be seen as a sort of cultural identity.
起訖頁 109-147
關鍵詞 麻六甲檳城宗祠義山聖教華人宗教MalaccaPenangancestral templeYishansacred religionChinese religion
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201012 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 金元全真道中原地區以外的傳教活動
該期刊-下一篇 一貫道的傳播模式與分裂初探--兼論興毅組及其基興單位的發展與分裂




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