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The Development of Planetariums in Taiwan
作者 林志隆曾郁丹
Planetarium is a very powerful teaching aid in astronomy education. In 1957, the National Taiwan Science Museum installed a Spitz A-1 planetarium and opened a new era of science education in Taiwan. We surveyed 70 planetariums in Taiwan and rebuild the path of their development. We learned from our survey that the planetariums in Taiwan distribute like a “Dumbbell”, which indicates that most planetariums are distributed in northern and southern Taiwan, Even more, 22 of the 23 planetariums in northern Taiwan are concentrated in Taipei city and county. It indicates a serious bias of the allotment of Taiwan’s education resource. In our survey, we also noticed that 87.7% of Taiwan’s planetariums are products of Goto Opt. Co., Japan. We would give a comment on this interesting phenomenon briefly. In this article, we would also briefly introduce the “Digital Planetarium”, a fast developing equipment which may brings about revolution of planetarium education in coming future. At the end of this article, we would give some suggestions through which we expect that may helps to improve Taiwan’s planetarium education.
起訖頁 2-15
關鍵詞 星象館(星象儀)博物館國際星象館學會planetariummuseumInternational Planetarium Society (IPS)
刊名 科學教育月刊  
期數 200607 (290期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學科學教育中心
該期刊-下一篇 八○年代國小自然科學實驗課程研發過程之回顧——主題探究教學部分




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