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Disabled Citizens' Movement: Glocalization of Rights Discourse and Social Model in Taiwan
作者 張恒豪
This research explores Taiwanese disabled citizens' movement since mid-2000s and focuses on the campaigns and discourses of two disability rights organizations, "Accessible for All" and New Vitality Independent Living Association. Unlike the charity-oriented NPOs in the past, this paper shows the new disability rights movement organizations are mainly organized by disabled people, emphasized on self-advocacy of disabled people and advocated for breaking down the social-structural barriers. Global rights framing allows the disabled activists to contest the disability politics in public sphere and to bring foreign disability policies and practices to negotiate the conservative narrative of the government official. Newly disability rights protests use new tactics from everyday life practice like "take a walk" and "move out" to contests the existing social barrier and familist-baed care policy. Rights discourse and experiences of resistant in everyday life also transform the identity of disabled activists and formulate disability rights consciousness. Finally, this research shows the discourse of social model and disabled people's rights were localized in the disability politics in Taiwan.
起訖頁 89-136
關鍵詞 障礙社會模式自立生活權利論述全球化DisabilitySocial ModelIndependent LivingRightsGlobalization
刊名 思與言  
期數 201506 (53:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣二次政黨輪替後電視公共化運動
該期刊-下一篇 終結癲癇的汙名?癲癇團體面臨的挑戰




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