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Campaign for Public Television after Taiwan' Second Power Transfer in 2008
作者 林麗雲
In Taiwan's first transfer of political powers, some media academics grasped political opportunities, launched the movement for transforming the terrestrial television stations into public ones. However, after the second transferring of political powers in 2008, as the KMT government failed to provide policy visions and its political control triggered confrontations and the crisis of the governance of Public Television Service (PTS). With the shrinking of political opportunities, did the campaign move on or decline? According to related studies, political opportunities and social movements are not in simple and mechanical relations, but contextualized. If participants have shared belief systems and social networks, they would move on even without political opportunities. In this case, the decrease of political opportunities did pose restrictions, yet the campaigners continued to propose reform proposals. When the budget of public television was frozen, the they attacked the political control, and suggested the PTS to establish accountabilities mechanisms. When the PTS was in governance crisis, they demanded open and transparent mechanisms in selecting the board of directors. Future researchers can continue to observe if the campaigners can continue to achieve their goals, given the increase or decrease of political opportunities.
起訖頁 49-88
關鍵詞 媒體改革運動公共電視社會運動政黨輪替政治機會Media Reform MovementPublic TelevisionSocial MovementPower TransferPolitical Opportunities
刊名 思與言  
期數 201506 (53:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 從族群正義到環境論述:達悟反核廢運動者的框架移轉
該期刊-下一篇 障礙者的公民運動:權利論述和社會模式的在地實踐




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