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Forgotten 'Heroes' of Miaoli and the Ch'ing Dynasty: Cheng Jun, Sho Tungchun, Zhung Rueisheng and the Miaoli Yimin Paramilitaries
作者 張正田
Located in Beimiao of Miaoli City, the Miaoli Yimin Temple (Miaoli Heroes Temple) mainly enshrines heroes who were killed during the Lin Shuang-Wen Incident. Nevertheless, due to a historical evolution over the last two hundred years, the ritual sphere of this Yimin Temple now covers only three villages in Miaoli City: Beimiao, Shangmiao and Qinghua, makes it a small local temple. As for Cheng Jun, he lost his army and was killed when he was against the forces of Lin Shuang-Wen; Sho Tong-Chun, who had a merit for regaining Danshui Ting, led Yimin Paramilitaries formed by Hakka and Min-nan (originally from Quanzhou and Zhangzhou) people to counterattack forces of Lin Shuang-Wen and was unfortunately ”killed for his country heroically”. Nevertheless, in the bustling Hsinchu Fangliao Yimin Temple today, Cheng Jun and Sho Tong-Chun these two heroes are not enshrined in the temple and are gradually forgotten by the younger generations. Under the consideration of reviving the historical consciousness in local, this paper has adopted a historiographical method to make a detailed research on Cheng Jun and other people. It is expected that ”their heroic stories” of protecting the land and people of Hsinchu and Miaoli will last forever.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 壽同春鍾瑞生苗栗義民爺信仰苗栗義民廟林爽文事變Sho Tong-ChunZhong Rui-shengThe Miaoli Yimin BeliefThe Miaoli Yimin TempleLin Shuang-Wen Incident
刊名 思與言  
期數 201309 (51:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-下一篇 《顏氏家訓》家庭教育之父職問題澄清




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