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How is Consensus Democracy Realized under Semi-Presidentialism?
作者 蘇子喬
Arend Lijphart將民主政治分為「多數民主」與「共識民主」兩種模式,將當代民主國家許多不同層面的政治制度加以串連。但Lijphart的民主模式分析明顯忽略半總統制,本文試圖填補Lijphart探討民主模式時忽視半總統制的闕漏,擬探討半總統制在何種制度安排下,能夠充分地實現共識民主的精神。本文認為,在半總統制的總統、國會與內閣三角關係中,若能在總統與國會之間建構權力平衡的關係;在總統與總理之間建立權力分享的關係;國會與內閣之間確立由國會各黨共組聯合內閣的憲政運作,將能充分實現共識民主的精神。而要建構這樣的總統、國會與內閣三角關係,須要透過以下的具體制度安排:國會選制採行比例代表制或聯立制、總統選制採行兩輪決選制或選擇投票制、賦予國會對閣揆的人事同意權、排除總統對國會的主動解散國會權與對閣揆的免職權、賦予閣揆廣泛的副署權、明確劃分總統與閣揆的權限範圍。
Arend Lijphart divides democracy into two patterns, majoritarian democracy and consensus democracy, and sorts out the different kinds of political institutions into these two patterns. Lijphart's analysis is highly valued and praised by scholars of comparative politics; however, semi-presidentialism was unfortunately omitted in his analysis. This paper tries to fill the gaps in Lijphart's analysis where semi-presidentialism is neglected, studying how to fully embody the spirit of consensus democracy under semi-presidentialism. This paper argues that consensus democracy will be adequately realized under semi-presidentialism if the president's and parliament's powers can be balanced, the president's and prime minister's powers can be shared, and the coalition cabinet formed by each and every major party in the parliament can be established. Such triangular relationship between the president, parliament and cabinet can be built through the following institutional arrangements. Proportional representation or mixed-member proportional system should be adopted for the parliamentary election. The presidential electoral system should be a runoff vote or an alternative vote. The parliament should have the power of consent over the appointment of the prime minister, and the president should not have the power to proactively dissolve the parliament or the power to remove the prime minister. Furthermore, the prime minister should be provided with the comprehensive power of countersignature, and the scope of authority for the president and prime minister should also be clearly defined.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 共識民主多數民主憲政體制半總統制Consensus DemocracyMajoritarian DemocracyConstitutional SystemSemi-presidentialism
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201509 (65期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-下一篇 影響大國簽訂雙邊投資協定關鍵因素:政治壓力還是經濟利益




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