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Presidents as Party Chairmen and the Passage of Government Bills: An Analysis of Chen Shui-bian's Presidency
作者 李鳳玉黃建實
Whether a president should also serve as a party chairman has been a controversial issue in Taiwan. However, both the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party nodded in agreement on this issue as long as they were the ruling parties. Does the fusion of the two roles really make the passage of government bills easier? Most of the existing literature neglected the important factor of a president acting as a party chairman, and hence provided no answer to this question. In actual practice, we observed several cases of failures in securing the passage of government bills in the Legislative Yuan even after a president was named the chairman of the ruling party. In this article, we argue that, other factors being equal, the fusion of the two roles does enhance the probability of the passage of government bills. In our arguments, two reasons explain why this relation holds. Firstly, when a president acts as the party chairman, he/she does not need to rely on an agent to help him/her achieving policy goals, and can ensure the party’s policy preferences are exactly the same as his/her own. A president acting as a party chairman can also directly lead the party in the Legislative Yuan and better ensure support from the party's legislators. Secondly, a president acting as party chairman also helps induce a more cooperative stance among the opposition parties because of the following reasons. The first is that a more cohesive ruling party under a president's leadership as the party chairman is more likely to gain public support, which in turn makes opposition parties more likely to adopt more cooperative stances on some government bills. The second is that a president acting as a party chairman will help his party policy stances move closer to those of the median voter, and these policy stances will be more likely to gain public support, inducing opposition parties to follow suit, at least on some government bills. The empirical findings provide supportive evidence for the hypothesis of this article.
起訖頁 85-135
關鍵詞 總統兼任黨主席政府提案政黨總統化半總統制陳水扁Presidents as Party ChairmanGovernment BillsParty PresidentializationSemi-presidentialismChen Shui-bian
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201506 (64期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-上一篇 鼓勵外資政策與國家間衝突之分析(1970-2001)
該期刊-下一篇 國民黨政府的戰爭規劃與威權統治:臺灣警備總司令部的戰時職能及其威權控制的作用




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